[Abstract]:In recent years, online shopping is more and more popular with Internet users. During shopping, the user uses keywords to search the search engine for items, accessories, and related items. However, the most relevant results from the existing Internet search engines are often similar and can not meet the needs of user diversity. In this paper, a series of search result reordering algorithms are proposed to solve the problem of diversity of search results. First of all, each category of the commodity search results is reordered for the diversity of commodity attributes, and the number of different attribute values in the search results is the optimization goal. An approximate algorithm is obtained by transforming the optimization problem into a weighted maximum covering problem. At the same time, the average distance of the goods in the search results is taken as the optimization goal, and the optimization problem is transformed into the facility dispersion problem to get an approximate algorithm. Then the search results are reordered according to the diversity of commodity sources, and the optimization goal is defined by introducing penalty points for the same source commodities, and an optimization algorithm based on merging sorting is proposed. Based on the diversity reordering algorithm mentioned above, a commodity diversity oriented search system is proposed in this paper, and some of the technical implementation of the system is explained in detail. The reordering algorithm in this paper is used as the next step of query processing in the search system. Finally, experiments on real commodity data show that the diversity reordering algorithm and the search system are effective.
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