[Abstract]:Search advertising is the main source of revenue for search engine companies such as Baidu, Google, etc. The current charging model is to charge users according to the number of times they click on advertisements, and the number of ads is limited, so for each user, How to retrieve the advertisements most likely to be clicked by a user in an ad library and return them to the front end to display is the most concerned issue for all search engine companies:. CTR (Click Through Rate) is an indicator to measure the possibility of an advertisement being clicked by a user. Showing that CTR's highest ads are triple wins for users, improving the search experience for users, they are happy to click; for merchants, accurate advertising strategy will enable ads to be delivered to potential customers, helping to increase their revenue; For search engine companies, increasing the likelihood of users clicking on ads will make them earn more ad royalties. Estimating CTR is a complex and extensive work. In this paper, a prediction method based on logical regression model is proposed. In this paper, the prediction CTR work is divided into two main aspects: offline training and on-line computing. In offline training, we use Hadoop, to start from search engine log, go through data cleaning, feature extraction, merge increment, sort dimension reduction, model solution, model verification and so on. Finally, we get a mapping file from feature to weight. This is our model. Online computing part, experienced extended matching, advertising rough selection, CTR calculation and other steps, took out the top 10 CTR ads returned to the front end. Logical regression model is a kind of supervised learning. How to extract the feature of high classification of data set is the key. In this paper, we propose three monadic, binary features for CTR prediction, which can effectively improve the revenue of search engine through experiments. In this paper, the time attenuation factor is introduced to distinguish the different influences of the older historical records and the newer historical records on the CTR estimation for the specific scene of search advertising, and good results have been achieved.
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