[Abstract]:With the rapid development of the Internet and the maturation of the underlying information extraction technology, Internet applications, such as search engines, have put forward higher requirements for text analysis, not only to understand a sentence, but also to understand a text. Text semantic analysis has gradually attracted much attention. Intersentence relations play an important role in the analysis of text semantics and in all fields of natural language processing and information retrieval. The application of causality in intersentence relations is obvious. The relationship between sentences refers to the semantic relation between two text units in a text. This paper makes a systematic study on the relationship between Chinese sentences. First of all, we construct a corpus of 1096 texts to analyze the tagging content of the corpus, so as to explore the linguistic characteristics of the relationship between Chinese sentences. This paper analyzes the semantic ambiguity among the relationships between sentences. The relationship between sentences can be divided into two categories: the explicit relationship and the implicit one. This paper studies the two types of relations according to their linguistic characteristics. Showing the relationship between sentences refers to the relationship between two text units with obvious connection words. Through the analysis of the corpus, it is found that the correlation words have strong representativeness for the relationship between sentences. Therefore, the method of association word rules is used to study the relationship recognition between explicit sentences, and it is found that the method of association word rules has achieved good results in the recognition of explicit relations. A more ideal result is obtained by combining machine learning with rules in a further step, in which the F value of conditional relation reaches 94.93. The relationship between implicit sentences is more difficult and challenging than the explicit relation because there are no obvious relevance words to correlate two text units. Therefore, the recognition method based on machine learning is adopted. The maximum entropy model and the SVM model are used to model the model, and the corresponding characteristics are extracted for the implicit relation. The experimental results show that the SVM model has better experimental results, and the F value of the maximum extended relationship reaches 72.36. At the same time, the features used in the experiment are analyzed, among which the key words are the most excellent, which plays a very important role in each relationship. Because of the restrictions on the quantity of the training corpus, this paper uses the filtered explicit relevance words to extract a large number of relational examples for causality, and forms an implicit relationship after removing the associated words, and adds them to the training corpus. The experimental results show that the F value of the experimental results is obviously improved by this method. Finally, this paper investigates the application of intersentence relationship in event relationship recognition. Taking event causality as an example, it is found that the effect of event causality recognition after adding the feature of inter-sentence relationship is significantly improved than that of the traditional experimental method.
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