[Abstract]:Query recommendation system is a very important technology in modern search engine system. This technology recommends query words that are more in line with the needs of users in order to improve the search experience of users. At present, many methods cluster query words by calculating the similarity between user query words, and then recommend the query words in the cluster according to a certain strategy, in which the attribute information implied between query words is not taken into account. Because of the lack of some auxiliary information in the similarity calculation method of query words, only the historical click behavior of users is considered in the recommendation process. In order to solve the above problems, this paper uses network query log and encyclopedia as the data to construct attribute knowledge base, and constructs a query recommendation system based on attribute knowledge base. By extracting the attribute knowledge of human name entities in query log and entity attribute knowledge in encyclopedia, the name knowledge base containing attribute knowledge is formed. According to the high quality attribute rules and statistical classification methods, the entities in the knowledge base are classified, and the named entities are effectively recommended based on different character classification knowledge bases. The main innovations of this paper are as follows: according to the established character attribute knowledge base, the high quality character classification rules are formulated, and the unmarked character entities are classified, in which the entity is classified and marked based on the results returned by the search engine. A classification algorithm of human name entities based on the degree of information coincidence is proposed. This method is a probability and statistical classification algorithm, which is a supplement to the rule-based classification method and can effectively solve the defect of low recall rate of the rule-based classification algorithm. In this paper, a cluster-based user interest model is proposed. By training the data, it has the function of query recommendation, and the query can be recommended to the user according to the user's interest. The experimental results show that the accuracy and recall rate of the classification algorithm based on rule plus statistics are higher than those based only on rules or statistics. Compared with the traditional query recommendation system, the cluster-based user interest model recommendation method can improve the accuracy and better reflect the real query intention of the user.
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