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发布时间:2020-10-25 19:36
   本翻译报告原文选自《数字一代的思维技能:信息时代思维与学习的拓展》第五章,该书的作者是巴卢·H阿思瑞亚(Balu H.Athreya)和克里斯托拉·莫扎(Chrystalla Mouza)。该书属于信息型文本,阐释了思维技能的定义及类型,对“数字一代”及其使用的技术媒介进行了分析说明,还分析了数字一代中的信息搜索模式,有助处于信息时代的读者正确认识信息检索技术,选择正确高效的搜索模式和思维方式。本书第五章介绍了信息时代的历史背景以及从口述历史到印刷机时代,再到互联网的过渡,陈述了人类搜索信息的模式和行为,提及了信息搜索过程中会遇到的挑战,最后谈到了培养人类信息素养的重要性。本章语言包含诸多多义词、被动句和长句。结合原文特色,在赖斯的功能翻译和诺德的工具型翻译策略的指导下,译者通过分析文本类型,再采取重新措辞、语态变换和拆译等翻译方法完成了译文。整个翻译报告分为五部分:第一部分对翻译报告做了简单介绍,第二部分分析原文,第三部分阐述指导理论,第四部分重点分析翻译过程中遇见的困难及其解决方法,最后一部分对全篇进行了总结。如今,人们处于信息时代,科技的迅猛发展为人类创造了不计其数的信息资源,因此,如何筛选及利用资源成为人类面临的一大难题,针对该情况,本翻译报告选择此书的第五章进行翻译,本章节阐述了各类信息搜索及筛选方法,同时对思维方式进行了全面分析,所涵盖内容有助于目标读者认识并掌握运用信息的方式,对现代社会人类的发展具有指导性意义。


281. perceiving a need2. the search itself3. finding the information, and4. using the information, which results in either satisfaction or dissatisfaction.Krikelas (1983) defined “information need” as a state of uncertainty recognized by theindividual. He categorized needs as “immediate,” and “deferred” (see Fig. 5.1).Information-seeking is a response towards immediate needs. Information gathering, in contrast, isa response to deferred needs. In this case, individuals store the stimuli in their memory or files forfuture retrievals (e.g., academics or scientists who need to keep abreast of new developments). On 5.1 克利克拉斯信息搜索行为模式 [来源:克利克拉斯(1983)。信息搜索行为:模式和念。德雷克塞尔图书馆季刊,19,17。]


young people do not have a good understanding of how the Internet and search enginesoperate (Schacter at al., 1998). Thus, they tend to assume that “everything” is on the Internet andthat they can locate it through a search engine. Rather, when users search through Google, theysearch the online content identified and indexed by Google, not the whole collection of relevantinformation available on the Internet. Second, users frequently fail to identify the general topic oftheir research, thus failing to formulate specific queries (Guinee, 2004). Asking the followingquestions can help users formulate their queries: What do I need to find out? Where should I begin?Where do I want to go? What do I need to do first? (Coiro & Dobler, 2007).


and organize their sites into one interface, accessible from anywhere on the Internet.Online bibliographical tools are also available to aid the citation process, such as citation machine(http://www.citationmachine.net/) and Mendeley (https://www.mendeley.com/), which allowsusers to read, annotate, build, and share bibliographies as they move along in their research onlineand offline.Once users complete their research, it is important for them to think about what they havefound and synthesize the information. Unfortunately, young people often simply report or copyand paste information from the Internet directly in their work (Guinee, 2004). Notes taken duringthe research process are key to helping youth bring all pieces of information, evidence, and theirown reasoning together in their final product.

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