本文选题:GSM接收机 切入点:基带信号处理 出处:《电子科技大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:By the end of 2014, our country has more than 600 million GSM network users. GSM base station as the relay station of GSM network, its running condition directly affects the communication quality of GSM network. It is necessary to ensure the normal operation of the GSM base station. It is an important task in the field of mobile communication to monitor the GSM base station information transmitted by the GSM downlink (from BTS to MSM), including the BSIC-PLMN color code. The design method of information monitoring equipment, And develop the equipment, which is the main research content of this thesis. Firstly, this paper briefly analyzes the GSM signal processing theory, including the basic structure of GSM system, the theory of air interface and signal processing flow, etc. The design schemes of hardware system and software system, including GSM receiver, baseband signal processing module, BCH decoding module and host computer GUI, are put forward, respectively. The circuit design idea of hardware system is analyzed in detail: the circuit design method of RF receiver module of SAWF module is analyzed in turn, and the circuit design of GSM receiver based on AD6548 is completed. The circuit design methods of DSP minimum system and its peripheral A / D conversion module, including bootloader module and serial communication module, are analyzed respectively. The circuit design of baseband signal processing module based on TMS320VC5509A is completed. The circuit design method of power supply module is also analyzed in this paper. Then, according to the design scheme, the software system program design idea is analyzed in detail. In this paper, the rotation algorithm is analyzed to eliminate the complex operation in the subsequent channel equalization, and then the sliding window detection algorithm is analyzed. The FCCH Sch acquisition is accomplished by using the training sequence, and the frequency synchronization and time synchronization are completed in turn. Finally, the synchronization of the system is realized. Then, this paper analyzes the idea of channel estimation based on the correlation between the received symbol sequence and the modulated local training sequence. Then we analyze the matched filtering algorithm with the channel estimation results. In this paper, we propose the idea of using the MLSE equalizer using Viterbi algorithm to realize the GMSK demodulation, and analyze the implementation flow of the Vtierbi algorithm in detail. In this paper, the channel decoding algorithm is analyzed, and the decoding and decoding of convolutional codes (taking the convolutional code of GSM as an example) and CRC check are carried out in turn. Finally, the information of BCH decoding is obtained. In order to interpret the BCH decoding information (binary symbol sequence form) and realize the serial communication between host computer and DSP, this paper also analyzes the design method of upper computer (mainly serial port function design and gui). Combined with the mature mobile communication technology, this paper systematically analyzes the physical layer receiving signal processing method of GSM air interface. At the end of this paper, the correctness of the design is verified by the combined adjustment test, and the future work is prospected.
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