本文选题:60GHz 切入点:毫米波 出处:《北京邮电大学》2014年博士论文
【摘要】:近年来,随着面向IMT-Advanced第四代(4G)蜂窝移动通信系统标准的不断完善,频谱效率得到了显著的提高,甚至可以实现30bit/s/Hz。蜂窝通信频段(450MHz-3GHz)只能支持有限的载波带宽,很难满足不断增长的通信传输需求。而60GHz频段可使用带宽达7-9GHz,因而,即便采用低频谱效率的传输技术,60GHz无线通信也可以提供高达几十Gbps的传输速率。然而,60GHz无线通信因处于毫米波频段路径损耗较高,采用波束赋形和用户密集场景下的多链路引起的干扰,以及基于中继辅助传输的资源调度等问题都将会制约60GHz的应用,也成为了本论文的主要研究内容。 本论文首先分析了60GHz毫米波通信中由IEEE802.15.3c码本引起的波束偏斜及其干扰问题。为了最小化波束偏斜,针对不同实现复杂度和性能要求提出了3种设计方案,即基于IEEE802.15.3c的相位调整方案,单相位调整方案和基于均匀相位码本设计的主响应轴(MRA)对齐方案。上述方案与现有的3c码本相比均可有效地抑制波束偏斜和波束之间的干扰,从而提高空间复用率和系统传输容量。方案1、2有着相近的系统性能,但方案2使用的相移器数量为第一个方案中的1/M(M为阵列天线数量)。方案3不同频率的波束主瓣方向可以完全对齐,并可获得天线增益和较小旁瓣,系统容量可提高12.5%,但需要更多的相移器。 针对用户密集的60GHz网络中多链路共存无线数据传输场景下,不同链路之间的干扰会使系统容量大为降低,甚至导致传输中断,提出了一种最大化系统容量的干扰对齐方案。在部分链路衰耗较大的60GHz传输场景下,网络容量会显著提升。此外,针对有限反馈和延时信道状态信息的干扰对齐传输方案的性能进行了分析,推导了其系统容量损失的上界,并证明当系统延时和有限反馈满足一定关系时,随着信噪比(SNR)的增长系统仍可获得最优自由度。 再次,因60GHz毫米波具有较高的穿透损耗,对周围环境敏感,影响系统容量。针对移动用户或接入点作为中继两跳辅助传输的场景,分析了中继系统的中断概率,并推导了中断概率的闭式解。为了求解以最小中断概率为目标的中继位置选择,建立了最小化目标函数,并通过数值方法进行了求解。仿真结果表明,与现有的固定中继传输相比,提出的最优中继位置传输可以降低中断概率,并使系统吞吐量得到显著提高,最优中继方案遍历容量与固定中继方案相比最大可提高25%。 60GHz毫米波在实现几十Gbps的传输速率的同时,也伴随着较高的传输能耗。针对两跳中继传输研究了满足系统传输速率要求的最优能效的资源分配;证明了单中继选择辅助传输可获得最优能效,并通过分析Karush-Kuhn-Tucker(KKT)条件,得到了最优子载波和功率分配方案的闭式解;基于功率分配求解,提出了一种新的最优能效单中继选择功率分配算法。与传统的等功率分配和3时隙中继协作传输方案相比,本文所提出的方案能量消耗仅为3时隙中继方案的36%,系统的能效可得到显著提高。 本文关于60GHz无线系统中干扰抑制及资源调度研究成果可以归结为:针对不同实现复杂度提出的3种最小化波束偏斜方案均可使波束的偏斜现象得到抑制,提高空间复用率;多链路场景下提出的最大系统容量的干扰对齐方案可有效抑制干扰,提升网络容量;通过对空闲用户为中继的两跳协作系统中断概率的研究,为最优中继选择和系统容量提升提供了依据;基于最优能效提出的资源管理方案,可使系统能效得到显著提升,为大规模数据传输提供了有效支撑。
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the IMT-Advanced fourth generation (4G) cellular mobile communication system standards continue to improve, the spectrum efficiency has been greatly improved, and even can realize 30bit/s/Hz. cellular communication frequency (450MHz-3GHz) can only support limited carrier bandwidth, it is difficult to meet the growing demand of communication. While the 60GHz band can use the bandwidth of 7-9GHz therefore, even with low spectrum efficiency of wireless communication transmission technology, 60GHz can provide high transmission rate up to tens of Gbps. However, 60GHz wireless communication in millimeter wave band path loss is high, the interference caused by multi link beamforming and intensive user scenarios, and relay assisted transmission resource scheduling such problems will restrict the applications based on 60GHz, has become the main content of this thesis.
This paper first analyzes the 60GHz millimeter wave communication by beam deflection and interference problems caused by the IEEE802.15.3c code. In order to minimize the beam deflection, according to different implementation complexity and performance requirements of 3 schemes are put forward, namely the phase adjustment scheme based on IEEE802.15.3c, single phase and phase adjustment scheme based on the uniform code for the design of the main response axis (MRA) alignment scheme. The scheme with the existing 3C codebook than can effectively restrain the interference between the beam deflection and beam, so as to improve the transmission rate and capacity of spatial multiplexing system. A scheme of 1,2 system performance is similar, but the phase-shifting scheme 2 uses the device number for the first scheme (1/M M is the number of antenna array). 3 different frequencies of the main beam direction can be perfectly aligned, and obtain the antenna gain and lower sidelobe, system capacity can be increased by 12.5%, but the need for more Phase shifter.
For users of the dense 60GHz network of multi link in coexistence wireless data transmission link between different scenarios, interference will make the system capacity is greatly reduced, and even lead to transmission interruption, proposes an interference alignment scheme to maximize the system capacity. In the part of the larger 60GHz transmission link loss scenarios, network capacity will be significantly improved. In addition, the performance of interference alignment scheme with limited feedback delay and information channel state are analyzed, derived the upper bound of the system capacity loss, and it is proved that when the system delay and limited feedback to meet certain relations, with the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) growth system can obtain the optimal degree of freedom.
Again, because the 60GHz millimeter wave with high penetration loss, sensitive to the surrounding environment, affecting the capacity of the system. For the mobile user or access point as the two hop relay assisted transmission scene, analyze the outage probability of relay systems, and closed the outage probability solution was deduced. In order to solve the relay location to minimize the outage probability for target the choice is established to minimize the objective function and solved by numerical method. The simulation results show that compared with the existing fixed relay transmission, the optimal location of relay transmission can reduce the outage probability, and the throughput of the system is greatly improved, the optimal relay scheme with fixed ergodic capacity than the maximum relay scheme can improve 25%.
60GHz in the realization of millimeter wave transmission rate of tens of Gbps at the same time, along with the transmission of high energy consumption. In two hop relay transmission of the optimal resource allocation efficiency of the transmission rate of the system is proved to meet the requirements of; single relay assisted transmission can achieve optimal efficiency, and through the analysis of Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT), has been closed form solution to the optimal subcarrier and power allocation scheme; power allocation based on the solution, this paper proposes an optimal energy efficiency of the new single relay selection and power allocation algorithm. Compared with the traditional power allocation and 3 Slot relay transmission scheme, the proposed scheme of energy consumption is only 3 of the 36% relay slot scheme, system the efficiency can be improved significantly.
This paper on the inhibition and interference of 60GHz wireless resource scheduling system research results can be summarized as follows: according to the different complexity of the proposed scheme can minimize the 3 beam deflection of beam deflection phenomenon is suppressed, improve spatial reuse rate; put forward the multi link scenarios of the system capacity of interference alignment scheme can effectively suppress the interference, improve the capacity of the network; the idle user outage probability on the two hop cooperative relay system, provide the basis for the optimal relay selection and system capacity enhancement; resource management scheme based on the optimal energy efficiency, energy efficiency can be improved significantly, to provide effective support for large-scale data transmission.
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