本文选题:监控视频 + 视频摘要 ; 参考:《合肥工业大学》2014年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Video surveillance system has spread around almost every corner of the city, uninterrupted records of what happened in the city. Surveillance cameras provide an important safeguard for social security, but also bring huge amounts of video data. How to quickly extract valuable clues from mass video data and how to compress and store mass data effectively is an urgent problem for intelligent video surveillance system. Aiming at these two problems, this paper studies video summarization and video content clipping based on motion analysis, and realizes fast video summary retrieval and video content compression. The main work of this paper is as follows: first, the summary of surveillance video is researched and implemented. The current mainstream video summary methods and mature systems are analyzed in detail, and the common features and key technologies are summarized. Aiming at the special application of surveillance video, a summary method of scene analysis is proposed. By analyzing the different situations produced by surveillance video and the inherent structural characteristics of these situations, it can be divided into three basic scenarios. For these three scenarios, three kinds of practical methods are designed, and a software is implemented to realize an actual video summary system. The software has been granted the copyright of the software. The practice shows that the system can effectively abstract the video of intelligent surveillance system and lay a foundation for fast information retrieval. Secondly, the compression of surveillance video is studied and implemented. In view of the fact that the background of static surveillance video is fixed and people are only interested in moving target region, this paper introduces the idea of line clipping of image, and proposes a video compression algorithm based on motion perception. Firstly, the ROI region of video is extracted by motion analysis, and then the non-ROI region is clipped. At the same time, time and space consistency constraints between video frames are introduced to ensure the coherence of video streams. The experimental results show that the capacity of the compressed video is reduced and the information of the region of interest in the video is kept as much as possible.
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