本文选题:CMF + 电视一体机 ; 参考:《华南理工大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:CMF(ColorMaterial Finishes)是色彩、材料、表面工艺的英文缩写,CMF设计是一门涉足工业设计、材料、心理学等多领域交叉的学科。面对电视机市场竞争日益激烈的今天,产品功能和造型的趋同也带来了创新上的难题,消费者情感需求的差异化则为我们提供一条解决之道。CMF设计正是从产品的感性价值出发,从色彩、材质和表面工艺的角度进行不断创新,创造符合市场需求和唤起消费者共鸣的产品。 通过对CMF设计相关理论的梳理,可以将CMF设计理论分为3类:CMF文化学、CMF应用学和CMF管理与营销。CMF文化学是CMF设计中的基础,是进行CMF应用的前提。CMF应用学则是本文的核心内容,是将CMF元素付诸于产品的实践活动。CMF管理和营销则是创造利益最大化的有效手段。 本课题提出了理论研究—设计流程—设计实践—评估总结的设计框架,通过对CMF理论不断深化的理解和研究,提出了一套适合应用于电视一体机CMF设计的理论和设计流程,通过企业实践的案例分析、研究和评估,验证CMF应用理论和设计流程的正确性和实用性。 通过趋势分析、用户需求分析、材质意象分析等多种分析手段,提炼符合目标用户需求的CMF元素,结合定量分析和定性分析的科学方法得出合理的结论。经研究表明:(1)注重电视机外形设计的人群具有喜好自由流行、追随购买的特点。此类人群是中低层消费市场的中坚力量,他们属于收入稳定的普通消费者,对电视机的外形需求相对多样,,时尚、现代的风格是他们的首选。(2)目前家电的CMF设计呈现两个重要方向:现代感十足的先锋设计、人文关怀的感性设计。(3)关于材料表面意象的实验证明,金属拉丝质感更受目标消费群的青睐。 本研究结合了如材料学、工程学、语意学、心理学等其他领域的知识,并用理论结合实际的方法,对很多感性的问题进行了理性的剖析,为CMF设计在电视一体机的研究与应用中打下了很好的基础,同时也为其他家电产品的CMF设计提供了一种很好的参考模式。
[Abstract]:CMF(ColorMaterial Design is an interdisciplinary subject involved in industrial design, materials, psychology and so on. In the face of the increasingly fierce competition in the television market, the convergence of product functions and shapes has also brought us innovative problems. The differentiation of consumer emotional needs provides us with a solution. CMF design is based on the perceptual value of the product. Continuously innovate from color, material and surface technology to create products that meet market needs and evoke consumer empathy. By combing the relevant theories of CMF design, the CMF design theory can be divided into three categories: CMF applied science and CMF management and marketing. CMF culturology is the foundation of CMF design, and the premise of CMF application. CMF applied science is the core content of this paper. CMF management and marketing is an effective means to maximize profit. This paper puts forward a design framework of theory research-design flow-design practice-evaluation and summary. Through the deepening understanding and research of CMF theory, a set of theory and design flow suitable for CMF design of TV integrated computer is put forward. The correctness and practicability of CMF application theory and design flow are verified by case analysis, research and evaluation of enterprise practice. Through trend analysis, user demand analysis, material image analysis and so on, the CMF elements which accord with the needs of the target users are extracted, and a reasonable conclusion is obtained by combining the scientific methods of quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis. Studies show that people who pay attention to the design of TV have the characteristics of being free to buy. This group of people is the backbone of the middle and low level consumer market. They belong to ordinary consumers with stable incomes. They have relatively diverse and fashionable needs for the appearance of television sets. The modern style is their first choice. (2) at present, the CMF design of household appliances presents two important directions: the modern vanguard design, the perceptual design of humanistic care) and the experimental evidence on the surface image of materials. Metal wire drawing texture is more favored by the target consumer. This study combines the knowledge of materials, engineering, semantics, psychology and other fields, and uses the method of theory and practice to analyze many perceptual problems rationally. It lays a good foundation for the research and application of CMF in the research and application of TV integrated machine, and also provides a good reference mode for the CMF design of other household appliances.
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