本文选题:量子密钥分发 + 自动偏振控制 ; 参考:《西安电子科技大学》2014年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Quantum secure communication is a communication mode that has been proved to have absolute security in theory, and quantum key distribution is the most extensive and widely used scheme in quantum communication. After nearly thirty years of development, quantum key distribution is gradually from theory to practical. This paper is based on the quantum density of polarization coding scheme On the basis of the key distribution experiment system, the automatic control algorithm of optical polarization state in the quantum key distribution process is emphatically studied. The stability and reliability of the communication process are improved. Firstly, the basic concepts, development status and research prospect of quantum communication and quantum key distribution are discussed in this paper, and the unconditional security of quantum communication is supported. The main protocol of quantum key distribution: BB84 protocol and B92 protocol are described in detail. According to the research content of the paper, the basic theory knowledge of light polarization and several typical representation methods of light polarization state are introduced. The control mechanism and basic classification of the polarization controller are briefly introduced. The paper uses the light polarization state of Jones. The vector representation method and the bond ball graphic method are used to model the extruded fiber polarization controller, and the basic working process of the traditional genetic algorithm is introduced. The application of it in the light polarization control is simulated and the deficiency is expounded. On this basis, an improved genetic algorithm based on the strategy of divide and conquer is proposed and the simulated annealing is used. After the algorithm is used to post the selected optimal solution, several important parameters of the improved genetic algorithm are determined by simulation. The simulation results show that the smoothness of the change of the sampling value and the ability to overcome the premature convergence are improved. The detailed structure of the B92 protocol quantum key distribution experimental platform system based on polarization coding is described, and the system is also described. The workflow of the system is explained, the automatic polarization control module diagram of the quantum key distribution receiver is depicted, and the details of some important modules are described in detail. Based on the improved genetic algorithm, the automatic polarization control scheme of the quantum key distribution is replanned, and the mapping of the algorithm to the practical application is completed. On this basis, the implementation process of polarization auto feedback scheme is described, and experiments are carried out to verify the feasibility and reliability of the improved genetic algorithm.
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