[Abstract]:Quantum cryptography is a combination of quantum mechanics and cryptography. Quantum key distribution (QKD), as the core of it, can establish an unconditional secure key on both sides of the communication and realize unconditional secure information exchange. The unconditional security of QKD based on the basic hypothesis of quantum mechanics has been proved theoretically. However, due to the non-perfection of the actual equipment, there are certain security vulnerabilities in the actual QKD system, which makes eavesdroppers can steal some or all of the key information, thus destroying the unconditional security of the actual system. In this paper, we mainly study the measurement device independent quantum key distribution based on passive decoy state. The main purpose of this paper is to provide a better theoretical basis for the experiment. This paper mainly includes the following two aspects: 1, introduces the basic model of measurement device independent quantum key distribution (MDI-QKD), decoy state and passive decoy state. MDI-QKD can remove all the detector vulnerabilities. When combined with the decoy state scheme, Alice and Bob can guarantee the unconditional security of communication even if they do not use a strict single-photon source. However, the method of actively adjusting the light intensity of the light source to generate the decoy state will introduce the side channel and leak the information to Eve. And passive decoy can solve this problem very well. In the passive decoy state scheme, Alice and Bob passively select the decoy state and the signal state .2according to a specific detector response of the light source, and study the MDI-QKD scheme under the passive decoy state. In this scheme, Alice and Bob send pulses to untrusted third party Charlie. Then, we give the formula to estimate the lower limit of yield and the upper limit of bit error rate when Alice and Bob send single photon pulse to Charlie at the same time, and then we obtain the estimation formula of key generation rate. In addition, we consider the statistical fluctuation caused by finite data length according to the standard statistical analysis.
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