[Abstract]:This thesis comes from the innovation project team of Lenovo Innovation Design Research Center and interned in this research center from April 2013 to November 2013. This paper is one of the prospective projects to explore the interactive fingerprint features of Lenovo smartphone. With the rapid development of mobile Internet, smart phone, as a popular Internet hardware, has played an important role in people's life. All kinds of APP, large screen, intelligent voice has been unable to attract the attention of users. The innovation of smartphone itself has become the only way for major mobile phone brands to increase sales. In order to encourage people to speed up the upgrade of smartphones, Apple, Samsung, Xiaomi and other brands not only in the performance optimization, but also in the shape, function and experience of the new to meet the needs of users. Gesture interaction in smartphones is one of the areas explored by many mobile phone brands. Secondly, the screen of smart phone is getting bigger and bigger, which brings users a good visual experience, and to some extent brings inconvenience to one-hand operation. Structure: firstly, the concept of gesture interaction on the back of large-screen smartphone is introduced from the point of view of product interaction system. In the theory of innovative design method based on user behavior habit, this paper studies the smart phone user behavior habit by using user natural behavior field observation method, questionnaire survey method and user depth interview. The index finger is the most natural behavior of gesture interaction on the back of a large screen smartphone. Then it discusses the importance of the scene in the mobile device experience design, constructs the user experience design model based on scene analysis, and analyzes the influence factors and characteristics of the large screen smart phone user experience by using this model theory. The user pain point of interface interaction of large screen smart phone is summarized. Based on the scene analysis of user pain point, the application scenarios and requirements of gesture interaction on the back of large screen smartphone are summarized. Finally, according to the principle of gesture design, the types of gestures on the back of large-screen smartphone are analyzed. The user usability test verifies that the backside gesture operations are not affected in different scenarios and analyzes the product semantic features of the backside interactive parts. According to the above conclusion, the integrality scheme of gesture interaction on the back of large-screen smartphone is outputted. First of all, based on the theory of innovative design model based on user behavior habits, the user behavior habits of gestures on the back of smart phones are studied by field observation, questionnaire survey and in-depth interview. It comes to the conclusion that index finger is the most natural behavior operation of large screen smart phone and subverts the traditional thinking mode. Secondly, by using gesture interaction theory and design principles, the paper analyzes the types of gestures on the back of large screen smartphone, and carries out user usability tests in different scenarios. It is concluded that the gesture on the back of large screen smartphone is not affected by the scene. Finally, the product semantics of the back interactive parts of the large screen smartphone is analyzed, and the influence of the product semantics on the back gestures is expounded.
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