[Abstract]:The Internet of things, as the third wave of the world information industry after the computer Internet, connects with the Internet through a variety of information sensing devices. According to the agreed protocol, all items can be sensed and controlled to realize intelligent identification. Position, track, monitor and manage. Wireless sensor network is one of the core of the Internet of things, mainly responsible for information collection and acquisition, to help the Internet of things system to improve the perception of the surrounding environment. At present, many researches have transformed sensor monitoring data into environmental context from the perspective of sensing the current state of the environment as environmental information for Internet of things applications. However, the operation of the Internet of things application system depends not only on the state of the environment, but also on the change of the state of the environment, that is, the event of environmental change. Therefore, how to process the original monitoring data of the sensor to form an effective and reliable environment change event and to realize efficient information perception is an important problem to be solved in the Internet of things. In order to solve the above problems, this paper presents an event sensing method for the application of the Internet of things (IOT). This method is mainly based on the idea of information fusion, according to the monitoring data of wireless sensor networks to perceive the predefined environmental change events. Some environmental change events involve only certain environmental indicators, but in fact many environmental change events are more complex, and their occurrence is also related to other events, that is, there may be a temporal or causal relationship between events. Analyzing the correlation between environmental change events is helpful to improve perception efficiency. Therefore, according to the characteristics of environmental change events, this paper divides them into three categories, and adopts different perceptual methods according to the types of environmental change events. First of all, the event of environmental change which leads to the change of single environmental index, which adopts the perceptual method based on rule discriminant, discriminates the event of environmental change according to the fitting degree of the real-time environmental state data sequence and the regular curve. Secondly, the event of environmental change, which leads to the change of multiple environmental indicators, uses the BP neural network to perceive the event, and trains the BP neural network by using the data set of the historical environment change event. The corresponding event-aware model based on BP network environment change is obtained, and then the environment change event is sensed according to the real-time environment state data sequence. Thirdly, the complex environmental change events, which lead to the change of multiple environmental indicators, adopt the perceptual method of dynamic Bayesian network and construct the dynamic Bayesian network structure according to the experience of expert field. Then the dynamic Bayesian network parameters are learned by using the data set of historical environment change events, and then used for real-time environment change event awareness. Finally, the three environmental change event sensing methods are designed and implemented, which are analyzed and evaluated from the perspective of the accuracy of perception results and the amount of data to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method.
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