[Abstract]:Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imaging has been widely used in military and civilian fields because of its ability to acquire high-resolution images all-day and all-weather. As the observation area of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) increases, the fast simulation method of SAR echo in frequency domain becomes more and more important. The traditional frequency domain algorithm is based on the derivation under ideal conditions. With the development of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) towards high resolution, multi-platform and so on. The traditional frequency-domain echo simulation algorithm can not meet the requirements, and a new simulation algorithm is needed to ensure the accuracy and efficiency of the SAR echo signal generated in different modes. This paper systematically studies the key issues of the frequency-domain simulation of SAR echo, including the echo simulation of variable-speed SAR and the echo simulation of UWB SAR. The echo simulation algorithm of bistatic SAR is validated by computer simulation. The main research contents of this paper include the following aspects: 1) For the variable-speed moving radar platform, its two-dimensional frequency domain expression is more complex than the ideal uniform linear SAR. A fast algorithm for 2-D frequency domain echo simulation of variable-speed SAR is proposed by series inversion method. The geometric model of variable-speed SAR is analyzed, and a more accurate 2-D spectrum expression of signal is obtained by series inversion method. The range-spatiality of variable-speed SAR is analyzed, and the function of simulated spatiality is given to guarantee the algorithm. The computation analysis shows that the algorithm can greatly improve the simulation speed of SAR echo, and the larger the simulation scene, the higher its efficiency. Finally, the simulation proves the accuracy and efficiency of the algorithm. 2) It is difficult to accurately add motion error to the frequency domain echo simulation algorithm. A fast algorithm for large-scale SAR echo simulation in frequency domain is presented. The algorithm rearranges the instantaneous squint distance by using vector expression, analyzes the influence of motion error on the instantaneous squint distance, and defines the main motion error components that affect the echo quality in small squint mode. The algorithm is simulated by two-step motion error simulation. Methods: Firstly, the large motion error components which do not vary with the distance are simulated, and then the small motion error components which vary with the distance in the large scene are simulated. Thus, the precise simulation of curve trajectory SAR echo data is completed. The validity of the algorithm is proved. 3) Aiming at the characteristics of Ultra-Wide-Band (UWB) SAR, such as low operating frequency, wide transmitting bandwidth, large cumulative angle, long aperture and large range migration, an efficient raw echo data simulation algorithm for UWB-SAR is proposed. The signal model of UWB-SAR is studied. The algorithm simulates the signal in azimuth-time domain and does not vary with the space-distance. In this paper, the two-dimensional frequency-domain transfer function of UWB-SAR system is deduced again, and the range-spatiality variability is studied. The precise simulation of UWB-SAR raw echo data is realized. The simulation results show that the algorithm is efficient and practical. 4) The orbital configurations of earth, moon and lunar satellite are analyzed, and a new type of orbit configuration is proposed. The concept of bistatic SAR configuration-bistatic synthetic aperture radar is presented. The definition of ambiguity function of bistatic SAR system is given. The expression of ambiguity function is derived. According to this expression, the computer simulation of bistatic SAR with different positions on the earth is carried out. The simulation results show that the ambiguity function of bistatic SAR is not only from the ground-satellite ambiguity function. The bandwidth and synthetic aperture time of the transmitted signal depend on the position of the transmitting station on the earth and the configuration of the bistatic SAR. The geometric model of the bistatic SAR is studied, and a two-dimensional frequency-domain simulation algorithm of the original echo data of the bistatic SAR is proposed. The series inversion method is used to obtain the two-dimensional frequency-domain expression of the earth-satellite bistatic SAR echo signal. Finally, the accurate data of the earth-satellite bistatic SAR echo are obtained by using the two-dimensional frequency-domain expression imitating the frequency-domain simulation method of the single-base SAR. The simulation results show that the algorithm takes into account the simulation efficiency and accuracy.
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