[Abstract]:Quantum secure communication has attracted worldwide attention for its unique security since it was proposed. In the phase coded quantum secure communication, the single photon carrier key is obtained by encoding the key on the phase of single photon modulation and demodulating at the receiving end. Because the behavior of single photon conforms to the quantum mechanics theorem, the quantum secure communication with single photon acting as carrier is absolutely safe. Because of the high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of single photon modulated quantum communication, it has high practical value in optical fiber quantum communication. Multi-channel multiplexing quantum key communication based on subcarrier can effectively improve the key rate of the system. In practical application, due to the limitation of external noise and experimental conditions, it is necessary to solve the problems of system fast locking and capacity analysis. Based on the research of multiplex key distribution system based on single photon phase modulation, the spectrum characteristics of single photon modulation are studied experimentally, and the fast locking of FP cavity in the system is realized. The capacity of multiplex key distribution system based on single photon modulation is studied theoretically and the response of multi-channel is verified experimentally. We have done the following research on the existing problems of the multiplex key distribution system with single photon phase modulation: first, we propose a single photon modulation method and study the spectrum characteristics of the single photon modulation. Compared with the traditional photon counting modulation, this method can not only be used to achieve high frequency modulation, but also can obtain higher SNR. The SNR obtained in the experiment is as high as 122. Using this method of single photon modulation and demodulation, we realize the fast locking of FP cavity in the system. Secondly, the capacity of the system is studied by studying the quantum bit error rate (QBER) and the key rate of the subcarrier multiplexing system, and the influence of the typical values of the channel related parameters and the theoretical limit values on the system capacity is studied. The multi-channel response is verified experimentally and it is proved that the system can be used to transmit multiple channels simultaneously when the modulation depth is 0.02 and there is no crosstalk between the channels.
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