[Abstract]:Compared with traditional communication systems such as satellite communication and ground wireless communication, high altitude platform communication system (HAPS) has the advantages of low cost, fast deployment, convenient upgrade of platform and load, and environmental protection. At the same time, the multi-path effect caused by signal reflection, scattering and diffraction, and the Doppler effect caused by the relative motion between HAPS and mobile station will lead to the strong time-varying of mobile channel. Collaborative communication technology combines the advantages of diversity technology, MIMO technology and relay transmission technology, and can effectively improve the proximity. Adaptive Modulation Coding (AMC) and Automatic Repeat Request (ARQ) are good schemes to combat time-varying channels and mitigate channel fading. Introducing cooperative communication technology into the cross-layer joint scheme of ARQ and AMC is expected to greatly improve system throughput. In order to improve the performance of high-altitude platform cooperative communication system under fading channel, this paper studies the uplink cooperative strategy and link adaptation technology in cooperative system. The main work and achievements of this paper are as follows: Firstly, combining with the application environment of high-altitude platform, amplification and forwarding (A) under asymmetric channel conditions are analyzed. The operation process of AMC technology is described. The advantages and disadvantages of three ARQ protocols are analyzed and compared to lay a foundation for the follow-up work. Secondly, a DF-based multi-relay clustering cooperative communication protocol is designed for the uplink of high-altitude platforms. Based on this model, the relationship between BER and SNR threshold, number of relay nodes participating in cooperation, and transmission power of relay nodes is studied. Theoretical and simulation results show that a small number of relay nodes can cooperate with multiple relay nodes when transmission power is high. If we want to achieve better BER performance by increasing the transmission power of the node, we need to select a larger threshold of the received SNR of the relay node. We can also select different relay nodes to receive according to the transmission power of the node. Finally, aiming at the time-varying characteristics of HAPS and mobile channels between mobile stations, a cross-layer design scheme, called TCARQ-MR, is proposed, which combines link-layer truncation cooperative ARQ mechanism based on opportunistic relay selection strategy and physical layer AMC technology in multi-rate wireless networks. Comparing with TARQ-MR and TCARQ-FR, the throughput performance of TCARQ-MR is improved significantly. With the increasing average signal-to-noise ratio, the performance of TCARQ-MR and TARQ-MR is consistent. The performance of TCARQ-MR and TCARQ-FR with the same modulation and coding mode is close to page one under a certain SNR. The increase of the number of relays can always improve the throughput performance, but the improvement of TCARQ-MR is more obvious and can improve the throughput performance in a wider range of SNR. For TCARQ-MR and TCARQ-FR, increasing the number of relays is more conducive to improving the throughput performance than increasing the maximum number of retransmission.
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