[Abstract]:Because of the inherent nonlinear effect of single mode fiber, the main medium of transmission system nowadays, judging from the current development trend, single mode fiber may reach the bandwidth bottleneck in the near future. Therefore, the search for a new fiber transmission technology that can solve the bandwidth bottleneck of single-mode fiber has become a research hotspot all over the world. The mode division multiplexing transmission based on small mode fiber has emerged under this background. Mode division multiplexing technology uses the limited stable mode in the small mode fiber as the independent channel to transmit information, which can greatly improve the transmission capacity and spectral efficiency of a single fiber, and at the same time, the transmission performance is not lost. Based on the basic principle of module division multiplexing, this paper discusses the basic structure and key technology of module division multiplexing system. The main research contents include the design and optimization of low mode optical fiber, mode selective excitation technology, and mode division multiplexing / demultiplexer. Based on the theoretical analysis of the mode correlation characteristics of the low-mode optical fiber, a step refractive index low-mode fiber is designed and fabricated. The fiber supports four guided mode transmissions, and the effective area of each mode is large. The measured loss of the base mode is 0.23dB / km at 1550nm, which can effectively support the application of modular division multiplexing transmission system. Based on the analysis of the existing mode selective excitation mechanism and the implementation method, an all-fiber mode converter based on tilted / untilted fiber grating is designed and implemented. The conversion from base mode to LP11 and LP02 mode is successfully realized. A mode division multiplexer / demultiplexer based on low mode fiber coupler is designed to realize low loss multiplexing / demultiplexing in LP01,LP11 and LP02 mode. The designed mode optical fiber mode division multiplexing transmission system has the advantages of high mode contrast, low insertion loss, simple fabrication and maintenance and small size.
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