[Abstract]:With the rapid development of wireless communication technology, it has become an essential part of people's daily life. The rapid growth of wireless communication rate is based on the consumption of more spectrum resources, while the traditional wireless spectrum management is based on fixed allocation, resulting in a man-made spectrum resource crisis, which greatly limits the development of new wireless applications. Cognitive radio technology allows unauthorized users (Secondary User) to perceive the spectrum usage of authorized (Primary User) and dynamically access and share free spectrum resources. It can effectively improve spectrum efficiency and solve the problem of spectrum scarcity. Spectrum sensing is the basis of cognitive radio and the first step to realize dynamic spectrum sharing. The broadband spectrum sensing technology of future wireless communication has put forward an urgent demand for wideband spectrum sensing technology, but the traditional wideband spectrum sensing based on sampling theorem requires the sampling rate far beyond the sampling ability of the existing ADC. It greatly limits the development of broadband spectrum sensing. In this paper, the under-sampling wideband spectrum sensing technology is studied to effectively reduce the sampling rate requirements of broadband spectrum sensing. In this paper, the background and status of broadband spectrum sensing technology in cognitive radio are introduced in detail. Based on Nyquist rate sensing (Nyquist) and under-sampling sensing (Sub-Nyquist), this paper discusses and analyzes the research work of wideband spectrum sensing in detail. In this paper, the current wideband spectrum sensing algorithm based on Nyquist sampling rate requires too much ADC sampling rate, while the compression sensing algorithm based on Sub-Nyquist sampling is complex and requires high equipment synchronization. In this paper, an array multi-rate wideband spectrum sensing method based on under-sampling is proposed. SWSS.SWSS uses multiple branches to sample wideband signals at different sampling rates. Then, based on the Chinese residue theorem, the under-sampled signals of multiple sampling branches are de-aliased, the spectrum is reconstructed, and the real-time accurate sensing of the wideband spectrum is realized. The MATLAB simulation shows that, SWSS system can effectively reduce the requirement of ADC sampling rate and the complexity of the system, and has good expansibility. Aiming at the problem that dynamic change of electromagnetic environment affects sensing accuracy, an adaptive under-sampling wideband spectrum sensing method ASWSS. based on sampling rate and detection resolution adjustment is proposed. Based on the actual situation of wideband spectrum sensing, a corresponding adaptive strategy is proposed to detect the signal to noise ratio change and spectrum occupancy rate change. MATLAB simulation results show that ASWSS can effectively improve the accuracy and stability of wideband spectrum sensing.
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