[Abstract]:Deep space exploration has very important scientific value and economic significance, among which the effective implementation of deep space communication is the key to ensure the success of the deep space exploration mission. With the increasingly arduous task of deep space communication, Ka band with higher transmission speed and wider bandwidth will be selected in the future. However, although Ka band can increase the data throughput of the downlink, it is vulnerable to the weather change, which leads to the decrease of the efficiency of the transmission process. Because of the dynamic change of near-earth weather, the downlink of Ka band is time-varying channel. For the time-varying channel, the traditional fixed transmission rate link scheme is used to limit the effective throughput of the link and even interrupt the link, so this paper proposes an adaptive transmission rate scheme to deal with the change of BER in time-varying channel. At the same time, the system throughput of deep space Ka band downlink will be increased. The design of adaptive transmission scheme requires channel modeling based on deep space Ka band downlink and channel prediction based on channel model. However, compared with the actual channel state, the channel prediction results will have errors, so the receiver feedback and forward erasure techniques are needed to reduce the impact of prediction errors on the system throughput. This paper focuses on how to further improve the system throughput. In order to reduce the downlink throughput loss caused by the variation of near-Earth weather, a time-varying channel prediction model, Gilbert-Elliot model, is established by combining the rain decline parameters and equivalent noise temperature of the near-Earth atmosphere. At the same time, based on this channel model, the threshold of two channel threshold strategies is calculated, and the GE channel model with optimal threshold strategy is designed under the background of deep space, which provides a platform for the next design of channel prediction algorithm combined with transmission protocol. In order to avoid the problem that the prediction error is too large because the prediction step is too long, the LTP/BP protocol, which can deal with discontinuous transmission, large delay and high bit error rate, is adopted to feedback the ground weather state, thus avoiding the problem of long prediction step. In this paper, a file transfer mode based on asynchronous LTP/BP (Licklider Transmission Protocol/Bundle Protocol) protocol is proposed. Combining the characteristics of LTP transmission mode, a channel state prediction model based on Ka band is designed to improve the global throughput of downlink in Ka band. The system fountain code is introduced into the forward erasure technology. The system code is no bit rate code and has no fixed transmission rate. Therefore, when the channel condition is "good", the sender chooses to transmit at high transmission rate. When the channel condition is "bad" state, select low transmission rate transmission. According to the influence of weather state change on the downlink packet loss rate of Ka band, the fountain code rate of the system can be adjusted adaptively to ensure the continuous communication of the Ka band data link and improve the downlink throughput of Ka band effectively.
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