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发布时间:2018-12-28 19:39
[Abstract]:In recent years, the rapid development of wireless communication technology has brought a great impact on people's lives, such as 3G technology, which has been popularized in the field of mobile communication, 4G technology, which is being popularized, and WiFi technology, which is often used in WLAN, and so on. Both greatly facilitate the way of life and work of modern people. With the development of white LED lighting technology, how to transmit wireless communication signal using LED optical has become a research hotspot. Based on the above idea, this paper designs an experimental scheme of LED optical transmission network video stream, and puts the scheme into practice through actual hardware and software circuits. The innovation of this paper lies in combining the advantages of LED lighting and wireless communication, transmitting Ethernet data stream through LED light, which can not only solve the inherent shortcomings in wireless communication, such as limited bandwidth, too much power consumption, etc. It also has the huge advantage of energy saving and environmental protection. The experiment principle of this system is to convert the video stream information of Ethernet format into serial signal to drive the LED lamp, and the high and low level control the light to turn out. Then the serial signal is restored by photoelectric conversion module. Finally, the serial signal is converted into Ethernet data in GMII format for receiving and playing at the receiving end. The experimental scheme is as follows: the video transmission is transmitted by the VLC software of the PC machine to the network line through the network card; Then the sending board is composed of FPGA circuit and Ethernet PHY chip. The PHY chip is responsible for the data conversion from the network interface to the FPGA interface (GMII format), the FPGA completes the data cache, message parsing, channel switching and parallel string conversion. The serial signal with Ethernet data drives the LED circuit to produce the high speed flicker optical circuit, and then completes the conversion from the optical signal to the serial data signal by the photoelectric conversion circuit. The main chip of the receiving board includes FPGA and PHY chips, FPGA completes the data recovery and transmission, PHY completes the conversion of GMII format data to RJ45 interface data to facilitate the data communication between network cable and PC computer. Finally, the receiving PC through the VLC to complete the video reception and play. After the design of the system is finished, it is tested as a whole, and the current test results meet or exceed the requirements of the customers. It includes: the transmission bandwidth of the optical path is 20m; the video stream can be flexibly switched through the UART,UDP port number setting; the video stream delay is less than 0.5 seconds; the video stream can be played clearly and synchronously. At present, the system has successfully completed joint debugging, the next step can upgrade the system design to meet market needs. At the same time, this paper provides reference for other LED optical communication designers.


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