[Abstract]:Cognitive radio technology is a new milestone in the history of radio development. It can effectively solve the contradiction between the increasing shortage of wireless spectrum resources and the policy of fixed spectrum allocation. In cognitive radio networks, cognitive users need to continuously monitor the main user spectrum, spectrum sensing has become the premise and foundation of cognitive radio technology. Because of the influence of shadow and multipath fading, the reliability of single user detection is very low. This paper mainly studies the cooperative spectrum sensing technology of cognitive radio. Firstly, the traditional single user detection methods, such as energy detection, matched filter detection and cyclic stationary feature detection, are summarized and analyzed in this paper. Single user local detection can not meet the requirements of reliability and rapidity of detection. Cooperative detection can improve the overall detection performance of cognitive networks, but the introduction of cooperation increases the technical difficulty and computational complexity of spectrum detection. Secondly, this paper analyzes a cooperative spectrum sensing technology based on amplification and forwarding protocol, and establishes a cooperative network model for two cognitive users. Through the cooperation between two cognitive users, the uncertainty of single user detection caused by multipath fading and shadow effect can be reduced. Cooperation can reduce the detection time of primary users and increase the flexibility of cognitive networks. Numerical analysis results show that cooperative spectrum sensing technology can effectively improve the detection probability of cognitive users to primary users and has more reliable detection performance. Finally, on the basis of distributed cooperative spectrum sensing, a cooperative spectrum sensing technique based on equal gain weighting is studied. The global detection performance of weighted fusion is compared with the traditional single user energy detection method and or criterion detection method. Numerical results show that the overall detection performance of weighted fusion is better than that of single user energy detection method or criterion detection method.
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