发布时间:2021-11-22 04:19
【文章来源】:北京工业大学学报. 2020,46(07)北大核心CSCD
【文章页数】:26 页
1 OR理论不是制造出来的
2 一切相对论性效应皆观测效应
3 关于狭义相对论的逻辑前提
4 光速不变性假设与广义相对论
5 观测媒介的地位和作用
6 宇宙的终极速度
7 观测媒介速度不变性
8 OR理论非空中楼阁
9 OR理论之逻辑演绎
10 关于文风
11 结束语
1 OR is not artificial
2 All relativistic effects are observational effects
3 On the prerequisites of special relativity
4 Hypothesis of the invariance of light speed and Einstein's general relativity
5 Role of observation media
6 Ultimate speed of the universe
7 Invariance of observation-medium speeds
8 OR is not a castle in the air
9 Logical deduction of OR theory
10 On writing style
11 Conclusion
【文章来源】:北京工业大学学报. 2020,46(07)北大核心CSCD
【文章页数】:26 页
1 OR理论不是制造出来的
2 一切相对论性效应皆观测效应
3 关于狭义相对论的逻辑前提
4 光速不变性假设与广义相对论
5 观测媒介的地位和作用
6 宇宙的终极速度
7 观测媒介速度不变性
8 OR理论非空中楼阁
9 OR理论之逻辑演绎
10 关于文风
11 结束语
1 OR is not artificial
2 All relativistic effects are observational effects
3 On the prerequisites of special relativity
4 Hypothesis of the invariance of light speed and Einstein's general relativity
5 Role of observation media
6 Ultimate speed of the universe
7 Invariance of observation-medium speeds
8 OR is not a castle in the air
9 Logical deduction of OR theory
10 On writing style
11 Conclusion