金属有机化学溶液法REBa 2 Cu 3 O 7-x 超导涂层导体的厚度效应和人工钉扎性能
发布时间:2021-11-22 18:25
自高温超导材料被发现以来,其高载流能力在电力系统中的应用前景吸引了人们广泛关注。超导在电力方面应用的关键问题是获得低成本、高临界电流的线带材。近年来基于薄膜外延技术发展起来的REBa2CuO7-x(REBCO)涂层导体(即第二代高温超导带材)已经在全球范围内正在以不同技术路线逐步实现产业化批量化制备。高品质REBa2Cu3O7-x超导膜的制造工艺,如脉冲激光沉积(PLD),共蒸发(CE),化学气相沉积(CVD)液相外延(LPE)和金属有机沉积(MOD)等的研究已经取得了重大进展。这些制备方法可以产生高取向度的超导薄膜,并获得了高性能涂层导体。在不同沉积工艺中,不降低临界电流密度的情况下实现膜厚度的有效增加,均是一个重要的研究问题。MOD是实现涂层导体低成本、批量化制备非常有优势的途径之一。目前,国内外研究团队在这方面已经做了很多工作,采用该方法获得的超导临界电流已经达到了300-500 A/cm(77K,自场)。在MRI、能量存储系统、发电机、发动机、电缆、超导线材和带材、加速...
【文章来源】:上海大学上海市 211工程院校
【文章页数】:126 页
Chapter 1. Introduction and Literature Review
1.1 Brief History of Superconductivity
1.1.1 Introduction to superconductor
1.1.2 Type of superconductors
1.1.3 Pinning mechanism in type Ⅱ superconductors
1.2 Key Issues for Improving Properties of YBa_2Cu_3O_(7-x)
1.2.1 Dependence of critical current density on film thickness
1.2.2 Vortex pinning in YBa_2Cu_3O_(7-x) films
1.2.3 Weak superconducting coupling across grain boundaries
1.3 REBa_2Cu_3O_(7-x) superconductor coated conductors
1.4 REBa_2Cu_3O_(7-x) Thin Film Growth Technology
1.4.1 Physical methods
1.4.2 Chemical methods
Chapter 2.Experimental Method and Characterization Techniques
2.1 Motivation
2.2 Preparation of REBa_2Cu_3O_(7-x) Coated Conductors
2.3 Techniques of Characterization and Measurements
2.3.1 Microstructure characterization
2.3.2 Superconducting properties
Chapter 3. Thick REBa_2Cu_3O_(7-x) Superconducting Films by Single Coating of Low-Fluorine MOD
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Experimental Details
3.3 Structural Analysis
3.4 The Superconducting Properties
3.5 Summary
Chapter 4. Enhanced Flux Pinning in YBaCuO_(7-x) Films with Co-Doping SrZrO_3 and Dy_2O_3 Nanoparticles
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Experimental Details
4.3 Structural Analysis
4.4 Superconducting Properties
4.4.1 Self-field performance
4.4.2 In-field performance
4.5 Summary
Chapter 5. Artificial Bilayers of YDy_(0.5)Ba_2Cu_3O_(7-δ) with SrZrO_3 and BaZrO_3 Interlayers
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Experimental Details
5.3 Structural Analysis
5.4 The Superconducting Properties
5.4.1 Self-filed performance
5.4.2 In-field properties
5.5 Summary
Chapter 6. Artificial Bilayers of YDyBCO+Dy211/ YDyBCO
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Experiment Details
6.3 Structural Analysis
6.4 Superconducting Properties
6.4.1 Self-field performance
6.4.2 In-field properties
6.5 Summary
Chapter 7. Conclusions and Further Work Proposed
7.1 Conclusions
7.2 Further Work Proposed
[1]SUPERCONDUCTIVITY ABOVE LIQUID NITROGEN TEMPERATURE IN Ba-Y-Cu OXIDES[J]. 赵忠贤,陈立泉,杨乾声,黄玉珍,陈赓华,唐汝明,刘贵荣,崔长庚,陈烈,王连忠,郭树权,李山林,毕建清. Science Bulletin. 1987(10)
【文章来源】:上海大学上海市 211工程院校
【文章页数】:126 页
Chapter 1. Introduction and Literature Review
1.1 Brief History of Superconductivity
1.1.1 Introduction to superconductor
1.1.2 Type of superconductors
1.1.3 Pinning mechanism in type Ⅱ superconductors
1.2 Key Issues for Improving Properties of YBa_2Cu_3O_(7-x)
1.2.1 Dependence of critical current density on film thickness
1.2.2 Vortex pinning in YBa_2Cu_3O_(7-x) films
1.2.3 Weak superconducting coupling across grain boundaries
1.3 REBa_2Cu_3O_(7-x) superconductor coated conductors
1.4 REBa_2Cu_3O_(7-x) Thin Film Growth Technology
1.4.1 Physical methods
1.4.2 Chemical methods
Chapter 2.Experimental Method and Characterization Techniques
2.1 Motivation
2.2 Preparation of REBa_2Cu_3O_(7-x) Coated Conductors
2.3 Techniques of Characterization and Measurements
2.3.1 Microstructure characterization
2.3.2 Superconducting properties
Chapter 3. Thick REBa_2Cu_3O_(7-x) Superconducting Films by Single Coating of Low-Fluorine MOD
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Experimental Details
3.3 Structural Analysis
3.4 The Superconducting Properties
3.5 Summary
Chapter 4. Enhanced Flux Pinning in YBaCuO_(7-x) Films with Co-Doping SrZrO_3 and Dy_2O_3 Nanoparticles
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Experimental Details
4.3 Structural Analysis
4.4 Superconducting Properties
4.4.1 Self-field performance
4.4.2 In-field performance
4.5 Summary
Chapter 5. Artificial Bilayers of YDy_(0.5)Ba_2Cu_3O_(7-δ) with SrZrO_3 and BaZrO_3 Interlayers
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Experimental Details
5.3 Structural Analysis
5.4 The Superconducting Properties
5.4.1 Self-filed performance
5.4.2 In-field properties
5.5 Summary
Chapter 6. Artificial Bilayers of YDyBCO+Dy211/ YDyBCO
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Experiment Details
6.3 Structural Analysis
6.4 Superconducting Properties
6.4.1 Self-field performance
6.4.2 In-field properties
6.5 Summary
Chapter 7. Conclusions and Further Work Proposed
7.1 Conclusions
7.2 Further Work Proposed
[1]SUPERCONDUCTIVITY ABOVE LIQUID NITROGEN TEMPERATURE IN Ba-Y-Cu OXIDES[J]. 赵忠贤,陈立泉,杨乾声,黄玉珍,陈赓华,唐汝明,刘贵荣,崔长庚,陈烈,王连忠,郭树权,李山林,毕建清. Science Bulletin. 1987(10)