发布时间:2023-04-08 00:28
采用有限元方法对单劈裂环-双劈裂盘纳米结构的表面等离激元共振进行了理论研究.当入射光垂直于结构表面时,亮磁模式和暗磁模式相互干涉会产生磁Fano共振.当双劈裂盘、空腔和单劈裂环的间隙同时沿x轴负方向偏移时,可产生高阶磁模式和双重磁Fano共振.在此结构的基础上,进一步调节单劈裂环的间隙宽度,可以在近红外区域增强磁模式的强度,并产生三重磁Fano共振;同样地,通过调节双劈裂盘的上劈裂角,在可见光区域可得到新的高阶磁模式,并产生三重磁Fano共振.此外,该结构的最大灵敏度和磁场增强分别达到1 400nm/RIU和69.7倍.这些光学特性使得该结构在超灵敏度生物传感器和多控磁Fano开关领域具有潜在的应用价值.
【文章页数】:9 页
0 Introduction
1 Structure model and simulation method
2 Results and discussion
2.1 The spectral properties of the SSR-DSD nanostructure
2.2 Breaking the symmetry of the structure
2.3 Increasing the gap width of the single-split ring
2.4 Increasing the upper split angle of the double-split disk
3 Conclusion
【文章页数】:9 页
0 Introduction
1 Structure model and simulation method
2 Results and discussion
2.1 The spectral properties of the SSR-DSD nanostructure
2.2 Breaking the symmetry of the structure
2.3 Increasing the gap width of the single-split ring
2.4 Increasing the upper split angle of the double-split disk
3 Conclusion