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发布时间:2024-09-23 20:18

【文章页数】:149 页


Table of Major Symbols and Units
1 Introduction
    1.1 The development of quantum theory
    1.2 The background of cavity optomechanical systems
    1.3 The weak force sensing in optomechanicancal system
    1.4 The contents and outline of the thesis
2 Basic knowledge
    2.1 Quantum states
    2.2 Quantum entaiiglenieut and correlations
        2.2.1 Concept of entanglement and correlations
        2.2.2 The significance of some entangled states
        2.2.3 Some measurement tools of entanglement and correlations
    2.3 Research methods of open quantum systems
        2.3.1 Quantum master equation
        2.3.2 Heisenberg-Langevin equations
        2.3.3 Input-Output formulation
    2.4 Atom-field interaction
        2.4.1 Doscription of atom-field interaction
        2.4.2 Two-level atoms and classical field
        2.4.3 Interaction of two-level atoms with a quantized field:J-C model
    2.5 Cavity optomechanics
        2.5.1 Fal)ry-Perot optical cavity
        2.5.2 Basic principles of optoniechanical coupling
        2.5.3 Optonieclianical parameters
        2.5.4 Optomechanical cooling
        2.5.5 Concept of CQNC for optomechanical weak force measuroinonts
3 Measure of quantum coiTelations for some systems
    3.1 Overview and introduction
    3.2 Dynamics of quantmn correlations of four qubits system
        3.2.1 The model and Hamiltonian
        3.2.2 Dynamics of quantum correlations and entanglement
    3.3 Dynamics of quantum correlations for two-modes entangled coherentfields
        3.3.1 The theoretical model and Hainiltonian fonnulation
        3.3.2 Measure of quantum correlation for atom-field systems
    3.4 Summary
4 Measures of quantuin correlation and dynamical steering in optomechanical systems
    4.1 Overview and introduction
    4.2 Measurement of quantum correlation in optomedianical systems
        4.2.1 Theoretical models and dynamics
        4.2.2 Covariance matrix and measures of quantum correlations
    4.3 Dynamical quantum steering in electro-optonieclianical system
        4.3.1 Theoretical model of a hybrid electrooptomechanical system
        4.3.2 Dynamics calculation for the system
        4.3.3 Observation of bipartite and tripartite quantum steering
    4.4 Summary
5 Weak force sensing based on pre-cooling processes and CQNC in a hybrid optomechanical system
    5.1 Overview and introduction
    5.2 Theoretical model and its dynamics
    5.3 Pre-cooling of mechanical oscillator
    5.4 Adiabatic elimination of cavity field
    5.5 Improving quantum weak force sensing
    5.6 Summary
6 Conclusions and Future work
    6.1 Conclusions
    6.2 Innovation points
    6.3 Future work




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