本文关键词:基于第四代移动通信技术的嵌入式远程升级系统 出处:《南京大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 交通诱导屏 远程升级 BootLoader 4G AES
【摘要】:近几十年来,随着经济的蓬勃发展,我国的交通事业也取得了伟大的进步。目前,我国已经建成了四通八达的高速公路网,城市当中的智能交通建设也如火如茶。交通诱导屏作为高速公路上和智能交通系统中重要的信息窗口,其控制卡上运行的程序经常需要更新升级。过去,升级操作主要靠工作人员手动更换控制卡来进行,需要耗费大量的人力和物力,而且对交通影响很大。因此,开发一个可以对嵌入式设备进行远程无线升级的系统就显得十分急迫。本文所设计的嵌入式远程升级系统由上位机模块和下位机模块两大部分组成。上位机模块主要是PC端的控制软件,是运行在.NET Framework 4.0环境下的exe可执行程序。下位机模块主要是交通诱导标志显示屏中的控制卡部分。上位机和下位机之间的无线通信使用的是中国联通的4G网络。本文的主要工作是设计了一套用于交通诱导标志应用程序升级的嵌入式远程升级系统,并通过代码完整实现了整个系统的功能。本文详细介绍了嵌入式远程升级系统中嵌入式部分的BootLoader程序,上位机与下位机之间进行通信时所使用的通信协议,上位机软件的设计思路、使用方法和软件设计当中比较重要的数据处理和发送部分,上位机模块和下位机模块间通信时使用的AES加密技术等。本文的远程升级系统已经形成产品,应用在实际的城市交通和高速公路上的交通诱导标志中。目前,用户反映该远程升级系统完成了预定的各项功能,并在实际工作中运行良好。在该系统投入使用后,相关的研发工作并没有停止,仍在对其进行进一步的升级和优化。
[Abstract]:In recent decades, with the rapid development of economy, great progress has been made in the transportation of our country. At present, the highway network has been built in all directions in our country. Traffic guidance screens are important information windows on highways and in its systems, and the programs running on their control cards often need to be updated and upgraded. The upgrade operation mainly depends on the staff manually replacing the control card, which requires a lot of manpower and material resources, and has a great impact on the traffic. It is urgent to develop a remote wireless upgrade system for embedded devices. The embedded remote upgrade system designed in this paper consists of two parts: upper computer module and lower computer module. It is mainly the control software of PC. Is running in the. Net Framework. 4. 0 exe executable program. The lower computer module is mainly the control card part of the traffic guidance sign display screen. The wireless communication between the upper computer and the lower computer is the 4G network of china Unicom. The main work of this paper is to design an embedded remote upgrade system for traffic guidance sign application. The function of the whole system is realized through the complete code. This paper introduces the embedded BootLoader program in the embedded remote upgrade system in detail. The communication protocol used in the communication between the upper computer and the lower computer, the design idea of the upper computer software, the usage method and the more important data processing and sending part in the software design. The AES encryption technology used in the communication between the upper computer module and the lower computer module, etc. The remote upgrade system of this paper has already formed the product. It is used in actual urban traffic and traffic guidance signs on highways. At present, users report that the remote upgrade system has completed the scheduled functions. After the system is put into use, the related research and development work has not stopped, and it is still being further upgraded and optimized.
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