发布时间:2018-01-14 16:34
本文关键词:物联网在未来工业体系中的作用浅析 出处:《现代经济信息》2016年21期 论文类型:期刊论文
更多相关文章: 物联网 工业. “两化”深度融合 工业信息化
[Abstract]:The networking industry is a new industry chain link of modern development, it makes the industrial value chain to high-end extension to the top will cover the future of industrial system, and technical constraints and market control on its upstream industry. Therefore, the potential market value of things not only contains networking products and services, including it is through all kinds of products. The interests of the industry attribute of things industry with natural monopoly, mastered the relevant technical standards and market rules of the right side will get the global market monopoly. In Germany, beauty, respectively put forward the "two" deep integration, industry 4, the Internet industry development strategy that is the core of competition on the Internet of things in the future property.
【作者单位】: 贵州财经大学;贵州广播电视大学;
【正文快照】: 2011年4月6日,工业和信息化部、科学技术部、财政部、商务部、国有资产监督管理委员会联合印发《关于加快推进信息化与工业化深度融合的若干意见》。同年,美国通用电器公司(GE)总裁伊梅尔特提出了“工业互联网”的概念[1];2013年4月,德国联邦教育研究部基于德国工程院、弗劳恩
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