本文选题:控制力矩陀螺 + 框架 ; 参考:《哈尔滨工业大学》2017年硕士论文
【摘要】:随着航空航天技术的发展,对航天器姿态调节精度的要求越来越高。控制力矩陀螺作为航天器姿态控制系统的常用执行机构之一,对其输出力矩的速度和精度要求也越来越高。陀螺框架驱动系统作为控制力矩陀螺的重要组成部分,它的驱动性能直接影响着控制力矩陀螺的整体性能。课题结合具体项目,采用永磁同步电机和矢量控制方式,对陀螺框架驱动系统进行了设计和实现。课题首先介绍了控制力矩陀螺和控制力矩陀螺框架驱动系统的研究现状,以及控制力矩陀螺框架驱动系统的发展趋势。其次采用不同的方式推导了永磁同步电机的在不同坐标系下的数学模型及不同坐标系下的坐标变换关系,分析了简化的空间矢量脉宽调制算法的原理,对其具体实现过程进行了深入探讨,并在MATLAB/Simulink中仿真验证其原理和实现过程的正确性。在前的理论分析基础上,课题基于矢量控制及简化的空间矢量脉宽调制技术,采用PID控制,设计了陀螺框架驱动系统。并将设计的电流、速度、位置三闭环框架驱动系统在MATLAB/Simulink/Simpowersystem中进行了仿真验证。通过调节PID参数,仿真系统在仿真给出的条件下表现出良好的动静态特性。最后,选用相关半导体芯片,绘制了硬件原理图和PCB板,进行焊接调试,搭建了驱动系统的硬件平台。基于搭建的硬件平台,在CodeWarrior V8.3集成开发环境中,使用C语言对所设计的陀螺框架驱动系统进行软件编程实现,取得了良好的实际运行效果。
[Abstract]:With the development of Aeronautics and Astronautics, the precision of attitude adjustment of spacecraft is becoming more and more demanding. As one of the commonly used actuator of spacecraft attitude control system, the speed and precision of its output torque are also higher and higher. The gyroscope frame drive system is an important part of the control moment gyroscope. The driving performance directly affects the overall performance of the control moment gyroscope. The topic is designed and realized by using the permanent magnet synchronous motor and vector control mode. The subject first introduces the research status of the control moment gyroscope and the control moment gyro frame drive system, and the control torque Tuo. The development trend of the screw frame drive system is developed. Secondly, the mathematical model of permanent magnet synchronous motor in different coordinate system and the coordinate transformation relationship under different coordinate systems are derived in different ways. The principle of the simplified space vector pulse width modulation algorithm is analyzed, and the concrete realization process is discussed in depth, and in MATLAB/Simulink On the basis of the previous theoretical analysis, based on the vector control and the simplified space vector pulse width modulation technology, the gyroscope frame drive system is designed based on PID control, and the current, speed and position three closed loop frame drive system is designed in MATLAB/Simulink/Simpowersystem. The simulation system is verified. By adjusting the PID parameters, the simulation system shows good dynamic and static characteristics under the condition of simulation. Finally, the hardware schematic and PCB board are drawn with related semiconductor chips, and the hardware platform of the drive system is built. Based on the built hardware platform, the hardware platform is integrated in the CodeWarrior V8.3. In the development environment, C language is used to program the gyro frame drive system, and good results are achieved.
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