本文选题:人群行为异常检测 + 修正社会力模型 ; 参考:《郑州大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of our country's economy and society, the accelerating process of urbanization, the increasing of urban population density and the frequent occurrence of safety accidents in public places, the traditional video surveillance technology has been unable to meet the needs of social development and progress. It is urgent to develop intelligent video surveillance technology. Crowd behavior anomaly detection is one of the hot issues in the field of intelligent video surveillance. It mainly includes moving target detection, feature extraction, tracking, recognition and behavior analysis of video image sequences. Because of the many core problems in computer vision, image and video processing and artificial intelligence, the research of crowd behavior anomaly detection algorithm is also a very challenging problem. In this paper, the characteristics of abnormal behavior of people in public places, such as riots and desertions, are extracted and detected. From different angles, this paper proposes a modified social force model based crowd behavior anomaly detection algorithm and an optical flow symbiosis matrix based crowd behavior anomaly detection algorithm. The research content involves crowd motion information extraction, feature point detection. Pedestrian social force modeling and calculation, optical flow symbiosis matrix building and feature extraction, feature classification and so on. The main research work is as follows: (1) aiming at the deficiency of the classical social force model, this paper modifies it by introducing the different factors of the relative velocity and relative position of the pedestrian. Based on the existing social force model based on the crowd behavior anomaly detection algorithm, aiming at its use of mesh particle sampling method for pedestrian social force calculation method shortcomings, An improved algorithm for calculating pedestrian social force using pedestrian Harris corner is proposed. Firstly, the video pedestrian motion information is extracted by Lucas-Kanade optical flow algorithm, and then the corner detection algorithm of Harris is used to detect pedestrian corner. According to the modified social force model to calculate the social force of pedestrian corner, finally based on social force to extract crowd behavior state feature. 2) through the study and research of crowd behavior anomaly detection algorithm based on dynamic texture feature. It is found that the dynamic texture feature is essentially a feature descriptor of grayscale texture of an image, and it can not reflect the movement information of the crowd truthfully. According to the spatial distribution characteristics of pedestrian movement information under different crowd behavior, this paper proposes a method to extract the distribution characteristics of pedestrian movement information by establishing optical flow symbiosis matrix. (3) based on support vector machine classifier, the experimental flow of abnormal detection algorithm of crowd behavior based on modified social force model and optical flow co-occurrence matrix is described respectively. Different video data sets are selected to verify the performance of the algorithm, and the experimental results of this paper are compared with the experimental results in the references, which proves the superiority of the proposed algorithm in crowd behavior detection.
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