本文选题:物联网 + 智能水力发电厂 ; 参考:《大众用电》2016年S2期
[Abstract]:At present, some auxiliary systems, such as image and video monitoring, fire monitoring and alarm, heating and ventilation, are used in water power stations, and the automation management is used to assist the safety management in the plant, but there is generally a situation that the degree of intelligence is not high. Based on the technology of Internet of things, this paper proposes a design idea of the platform of safety assistant safety control and monitoring system based on wireless network and sensor monitoring, and suggests a whole plant or part of the plant key safety production area in the safety assistant safety control and monitoring system platform. Set up a set of information system and integrated application server inside the power plant of the system, and apply IEC 61850 to the communication protocol to monitor the data (such as video, etc.) of the safety assistant safety production system. The data of important monitoring area temperature or moderation) are uploaded to the central monitoring center of the remote machine and the instructions of the central monitoring center are received online in real time so as to realize the coordination and linkage between the monitoring center and the staff on the spot. According to the concept of intelligent safety management, the auxiliary security control and monitoring system is divided into 10 subsystems. According to the requirement of automatic control, intelligent regulation and coordination of intelligent hydropower plant safety and safety production system, the new application field of Internet of things technology in intelligent hydropower plant is developed.
【作者单位】: 华能西藏雅鲁藏布江水电开发投资有限公司藏木水电厂;北京中恒瑞翔能源科技有限公司;
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