本文选题:车间时距 + 连通性 ; 参考:《南京邮电大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The economy of our country is developing continuously and rapidly, with the improvement of the comprehensive living standard of the people, as a member of the automobile big country, people's demand for the traffic road becomes more and more. As a specific application in traffic system, vehicle ad hoc network has attracted more and more attention. With the increasing demand of traffic road, the demand for data transmission in the self-organized vehicle network becomes more and more high. People need not only to obtain information, but also to obtain the time and quality of information. Therefore, how to improve the timeliness of data transmission in vehicular communication networks is a hot topic. In this paper, data transmission optimization based on network connection coding in high speed vehicular communication network is studied. The main research contents are as follows: firstly, the transmission of data must be based on the communication between vehicles. In order to determine the conditions in which vehicles can maintain efficient communication, this paper starts from the angle of workshop time distance. A connectivity analysis model for vehicular communication networks is proposed. Firstly, the distribution function of workshop time distance is analyzed according to the driving speed and direction of vehicle. Finally, the model of vehicle connectivity is determined. The simulation results show the relationship between vehicle connectivity and vehicle arrival number and average traffic density per unit time. At the same time, the optimal communication distance under the condition of expressway is predicted and analyzed. The results of this study provide a connectivity guarantee for the further study of data transmission in this paper. Secondly, under the condition that the vehicles in the transmission range remain well connected, one or more relays should be selected for the vehicles which cannot communicate directly so as to ensure indirect communication. In this paper, other vehicles on the road are selected as relays, and vehicle connectivity, traffic density and channel conditions are taken as the basis for selection. A multipath transmission control protocol based on connectivity integrated linear network coding is proposed. Firstly, in order to ensure that the data packet is encoded in the network, the buffer area is set up for each vehicle node, and the time threshold of the data packet in the cache area is taken as the basis of the data packet encoding time. After determining the encoding time, the data packet will be encoded at the sending vehicle node, transmitted through the relay vehicle node, finally decoded at the destination vehicle node to restore the original data packet. The experimental results show that the proposed multipath transmission control protocol integrates linear network coding significantly improves routing overhead and packet delivery rate of data packets. It can effectively solve the problem of low data transmission efficiency in vehicular communication network.
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