[Abstract]:The development of mobile communication from the first generation (1G) to the fourth generation (4G) is a process from sound transmission to multimedia information transmission. With 4G entering the stage of scale commerce, 5 G mobile communication for 2020 has become a global research and development hotspot. Based on the National High Technology Research and Development Program (863 Program), the research and design of the new modulation and non-orthogonal multiple access transmission technology for the fifth generation mobile communication is carried out. The project is supported by the National High Technology Research and Development Program (863 Program), "Research and Development of 5G New Modulation and coding Technology". In this paper, the orthogonal Frequency Division multiple access (OFDM) modulation technology is first analyzed, and the principle and key technology of the filter Multitone (FMT) technique, which is widely studied abroad, are analyzed. The FMT technology makes the frequency spectrum of each subchannel not overlap through the filter bank modulation technology. It can effectively overcome the shortcomings of OFDM system which is sensitive to frequency offset, and FMT system can use fast Fourier transform (FFT) as OFDM system, thus greatly reducing the complexity of system implementation. However, because the FMT subchannel filter uses a finite impulse response filter which does not satisfy the ideal reconstruction condition, the receiver of FMT system needs complex equalization techniques. On the basis of theoretical analysis, the design, realization and optimization of matlab simulation platform are completed by setting up a simulation environment. In addition, the efficient transmission structure of FMT is designed and realized through the derivation of the formula of receiving and sending of FMT system, the polyphase decomposition of filter is realized, the sampling rate of each sub-filter is reduced, and the coefficient and computation are reduced. Secondly, aiming at the system structure, advantages and disadvantages of OFDM and FMT, a new modulation scheme, CP-FMT based on cyclic prefix, is proposed, and the realization method of CP-FMT in time domain transceiver is deduced. By using the method of data cycle block, the distortion of received signal and spectrum leakage of transmitted signal are effectively prevented, the compatibility of frame structure of CP-FMT system and 3GPP-LTE frame structure is realized, and the simulation platform based on CP-FMT modulation scheme is built. Simulation and theoretical analysis show that CP-FMT modulation improves the diversity gain and bit error rate of the system under the condition of ideal channel estimation, and the performance of multiple access interference (mai) is better than that of CP-OFDM.
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