[Abstract]:In the field of channel coding, the pursuit of Shannon limit capacity has always been the goal of communication scholars. The early Turbo code and Low-density Parity-check (LDPC) code technology have been very close to this goal, but the strict mathematical theory has not proved that the only channel coding technology that can reach Shannon limit is polarization code technology. Polarization code is a kind of channel exclusive coding based on channel polarization phenomenon. The theoretical research on polarization code can be divided into the construction method of polarization code and the study of decoding algorithm of polarization code. The main purpose of the study of polarization code construction is to select exactly the bit channel whose channel capacity approaches "1" to transmit useful information bits after the channel is polarized. The purpose of studying the polarization code decoding algorithm is to restore the information transmitted by the sender in the most accurate way. In this paper, the theory of polarization codes is analyzed and studied in detail, the polarization phenomena and properties of channel are analyzed and introduced in detail, and the process and principle of channel merging and splitting are analyzed and explained in detail. Then, the coding and decoding of polarimetric codes are analyzed and studied carefully. At present, the research on decoding algorithms has been quite mature and universal. The three most representative decoding algorithms are Successive cancellation decoder (SCD) and CRC-SCLD decoding algorithms, respectively. However, the research on the construction method of polarization code is relatively rare, and the performance of polarization code can be improved effectively by improving the coding method. Then, three classical coding methods, Monte-Carlo method, Density evolution method, and Gao Si approximate estimation method, are compared in detail and the accuracy of Monte-Carlo algorithm is studied. Therefore, its complexity is very high in practical application. Although the accuracy of density evolution algorithm is very high, it involves convolution operation in the process of calculation, which is very demanding for hardware. The Gao Si approximate estimation method has the problem of low polarization rate. Finally, this paper returns to the essence of the encoding construction of polarization code, designs different parameters of Bahatatchea to construct the code of polarization code, and then evaluates the performance of the polarimetric code constructed by these parameters, and selects the best parameters. The experimental results show that the proposed method based on the design parameters is very close to the Gao Si approximate estimation method in performance and has the lowest computational complexity among all the construction methods without the problem of slow polarization speed.
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