[Abstract]:With the development of source location technology, there are more and more restrictions on the DOA (DOA) estimation, and the accuracy of the estimation needs to be further improved. Therefore, it is very important to improve the accuracy and resolution of adaptive array antenna DOA estimation. The classical algorithms of multiplex signal classification (MUSIC) and minimum variance distortion free response (MVDR) have high resolution for the DOA estimation of the number of known sources when the receiver is a uniform linear array (ULA). Then the MUSIC-like algorithm appears. When the number of received elements is small, the algorithm can detect the DOA estimation for the adjacent sources with unknown number of sources. When the receiver is a cross array (PA), the proposed algorithm can further accurately estimate the DOA, which makes the spectral estimation more effective. However, the pseudo-peak value is more serious than that of the MUSIC algorithm in the case of spectrum estimation. The main factors that have a decisive effect on the estimation effect of DOA are the arrangement form of the signal receiving end array and the difference of the estimation algorithm itself. In this paper, the method of single array receiving signal is changed into two kinds of array combination. The principle of combination matrix is that the peak of DOA is enhanced by superposition, and the peak of non-DOA is weakened by superposition. The accuracy and resolution of DOA estimation will be improved. The main idea of the algorithm has two points. The first is that for the same algorithm the disturbance between signals will increase and the pseudo-peak value of spectral function will increase with the increase of the number of received terminal elements. Especially for the MUSIC-like algorithm, when the logarithmic spectral function is used to estimate the DOA, the real DOA will increase the output power of the signal due to the principle of the superposition of the combined array. The non-DOA pseudo-peak is weakened because of the superposition of the composite array, that is, to suppress or determine the pseudo-peak. The second reason is that the resolution of the PA array is higher than that of the ULA array for the same algorithm when estimating the adjacent sources. Because the multiple of peak stacking multiplying is much larger than the value of non-peak value, the spectral peak value estimation effect of the combined array is more obvious when estimating the DOA of adjacent sources. In the end, the MUSIC-like algorithm of wideband FM signal is studied simply, such as the fast MUSIC-like algorithm of narrow band signal is improved, and the MUSIC-like algorithm is still used after the improvement, so the computation of DOA estimation of broadband FM signal can be reduced.
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