[Abstract]:With the rapid growth of broadband services in optical networks, such as high-definition video, data centers, interactive games, cloud computing and other services, resulting in an increasing demand for optical network bandwidth. This growing bandwidth demand poses a severe challenge to the development and expansion of optical networks, and the efficient use of spectrum in optical networks can no longer be achieved only by increasing the transmission capacity of optical networks. The spectrum of an existing WDM (Wavelength Division multiplexing optical transport network is divided into fixed bandwidth widths, such as 50GHz or 100GHz, each bandwidth width representing an optical path, and the center and spectrum size of each bandwidth width fixed. This fixed optical path division method can easily lead to a waste of spectrum bandwidth. Therefore, optical networks need to support multi-rate traffic coexistence and efficient spectrum allocation. With the development of orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (Orthogonal Frequency Division), optical networks can partition spectrum resources more granularly (for example, 12.5 GHz or less), and allocate spectrum resources according to the spectrum size of traffic request. At the same time, with the introduction of the concept of software definition into optical networks, optical networks are becoming flexible, programmable and intelligent. Therefore, the next generation optical network is gradually developing towards flexible optical network defined by software. With the emergence of hybrid rate traffic in optical networks, signals at different rates can be transmitted in the same optical fiber at the same time, and serious physical damage will occur between adjacent channels in different modulation formats, especially Cross-Phase modulation. The optical signal in optical network is affected by the damage of physical layer. The quality of transmission (Transmission of quality can not be guaranteed. The degree of damage in physical layer is closely related to the transmission rate of different signals and the spectrum interval between different rate signals, which seriously limits the efficiency of multi-rate coexistence in flexible optical networks defined by software. At the same time, with the finer granularity of spectrum partition, spectrum continuity constraints and spectral consistency constraints become more stringent in the spectrum allocation process. In this paper, the problem of routing and spectrum allocation of damage sensing in the physical layer of flexible optical networks is studied in detail in order to ensure the transmission quality and improve the performance of the network. The main research results are as follows: (1) based on the background of flexible optical networks, a spectrum partition-topology hierarchical IRSA algorithm is proposed. This algorithm considers the serious XPM damage in flexible optical networks with multi-rate coexistence and proposes a strategy of spectrum partitioning. The influence of XPM is reduced by increasing the physical distance between optical channels at different rates. On this basis, by abstracting the network topology into multiple sub-topologies, the constraints of spectrum consistency constraints and spectral continuity constraints on spectrum allocation are well solved. The proposed algorithm can not only solve the limitation of spectrum consistency and spectrum continuity, but also satisfy the requirement of QoS, and reduce the traffic blocking rate. (2) the routing and spectrum allocation problems of damage sensing of cross-phase modulation in flexible optical networks are defined by software. A low channel impact routing and spectrum allocation algorithm based on Open Flow is proposed. By adding spectrum partitioning module and extending Open Flow protocol to the Open Flow controller of flexible optical network defined by software, the traffic of different rates in optical network is assigned to different spectrum regions. The channel spacing between low rate traffic and high rate traffic is increased to reduce cross-phase modulation damage and improve resource utilization.
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