[Abstract]:Spatial information network can acquire, transmit and process space information in real time through information carrier (space platform). Space platform is a kind of large category, including satellite, airship, aircraft and so on. However, the traditional satellite network has some problems, such as slow configuration, inefficient service scheduling and inflexible service delivery, which all form shackles to the development of the current spatial information network. The root of these problems lies in the design of traditional satellite communication system. The development of new network technology (SDN (Software Defined Network, software defines network) provides a new method to solve the problem: software defined spatial information network (SDN) at home and abroad. This paper studies the software definition spatial information network and its key technologies, including the following aspects: firstly, because the research of software definition spatial information network at home and abroad has only carried on the overall framework research. The research on the key technology of software defining spatial information network is scarce. In order to test and test the related technologies of software defined spatial information network, this paper studies the architecture of the existing software defined spatial information network and the characteristics of satellite network. Based on SDN and virtualization technology, a semi-physical simulation platform for SDN oriented software defining spatial information network is built, OpenFlow network equipment is deployed, and satellite network topology is created functionally. The dynamic configuration of link parameters, trajectory simulation and other modules, a preliminary software definition spatial information network experimental platform is constructed, which can provide an analysis tool and test means for the research of software defined spatial information network. Secondly, because the feeder link will be affected, it is necessary to deploy a gateway switch on the controller to solve the traffic rerouting problem caused by the link interruption. In this paper, the gateway switch application is developed on the RYU controller. The gateway switch application is divided into two modules: link interrupt detection and gateway handover mechanism. Link interrupt detection is developed on the basis of link topology discovery protocol module. The necessary information is stored and processed while the topology is detected in real time. The gateway handover mechanism is developed on the basis of the recovery mechanism. The OpenFlow device notifies the controller when a feeder link interrupt event occurs, and the controller deletes the flow table affected by the fault and recalculates the work path. Update or issue new stream table rules. Through the combination of the two modules, the link interrupt can be detected quickly, and the service can be switched to the appropriate satellite gateway quickly to solve the problem of the service interruption caused by the connection interrupt and to ensure the network service. Finally, the semi-physical simulation platform of spatial information network is used to test the gateway switching application, and the feeder link is interrupted in the same space communication environment. Gets the time required to reroute to the available satellite gateway. The test results show the effectiveness of gateway switching application based on RYU. Moreover, under the same spatial information network scenario, the software defined spatial information network pair is better than the traditional spatial information network, and the gateway switching application based on RYU is better than the traditional route. When the link is interrupted, the advantage of service recovery rate is obvious. The network is more reliable.
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