[Abstract]:With the development of the Internet and computer technology, multimedia data transmission over the Internet has become popular. With the release of the latest generation of video compression coding standard, High Performance Video Coding (HEVC), the related standards of 3D video coding and scalable video coding based on HEVC have been formulated. In order to transmit streaming media over the Internet, the Motion Picture Expert Group (MPEG) has developed a Dynamic Adaptive Streaming Media (DASH) standard based on Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). Traditional DASH systems use two-dimensional video coding, and the research and use of scalable video coding is limited to the previous generation of scalable video coding standard SVC. Three-dimensional and scalable video coding standards that can be used in video coding standards have just been formulated, and there are few related researches on them in DASH. Therefore, it is very meaningful to study three-dimensional and scalable video coding for DASH applications. Firstly, a flexible resolution coding framework for depth images is proposed. The size and position of the clipping window of the depth image and the offset between the depth image and the texture image sampling pane are also considered. In the coding process, an improved rate-distortion optimization criterion considering synthetic distortion is used to optimize the depth image. Secondly, this paper proposes two methods to improve the rate distortion performance of the downlink bit stream of SHVC. This paper analyzes the reason why the downlink bit rate of the DASH system using scalable video increases, and makes use of the time hierarchy of SHVC. Predictive structure and layer intelligent start-up technology are proposed. Interlayer prediction based on time sublayer selection and enhancement layer method based on open image group structure are proposed. Compared with other methods, the two methods proposed in this paper can effectively improve the rate distortion performance of downlink bit stream at the same time, and achieve standard compatibility. A DASH system based on performance parameters of DASH is proposed. Different from the traditional DASH system based on two-dimensional video coding standard, the encoding structure of DASH system based on three-dimensional video coding and scalable video coding is much more complex. Large performance parameters make the encoder, server, proxy and cache devices and client in DASH system encode, cache, receive and switch according to the corresponding index parameters.
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