[Abstract]:With the rapid growth of multimedia service of intelligent terminal and the demand of users for data transmission, Internet of things has become another important developing direction of communication service in the future. M2M is the most widely used form of Internet of things. The end users of M2m communication have the characteristics of frequent access, uplink dominance, small data transmission and so on. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the uplink resource allocation problem of M2m in relay networks. In this paper, the problem of uplink resource allocation is studied, and the throughput and energy consumption of uplink end users are studied. The main innovations of this paper are as follows: firstly, the uplink resource allocation problem of M2M in relay network is studied. It is recognized that the essence of the uplink resource allocation problem is power problem and throughput problem. A resource allocation optimization algorithm based on cooperative game theory is proposed. In this paper, the relaying network model of the macro base station and the home base station is established, and the cooperative game theory is introduced to transform the uplink resource allocation optimization problem into the maximum and minimum utility function problem, and the algorithm is given by using the Shapley function. The simulation results show that compared with the traditional water injection algorithm and the equal power algorithm, this algorithm takes account of the fairness of the end user and greatly reduces the total transmission power of the system. The throughput of end user is improved effectively. Secondly, the uplink energy saving problem of M2M in relay network is studied. According to the communication characteristics of M2m itself and the limitation of spectrum resources, combining with the characteristics of low power consumption is helpful to prolong the life of terminal equipment. An uplink energy saving algorithm for M2m in LTE-A relay network is proposed. Different from the traditional uplink which only considers the non-backhaul case, the energy consumption of the backhaul link is also considered in this paper. From the point of view of time division duplex (TDD), the spatial multiplexing and modulation coding strategies are combined, and the weight function is defined. By selecting the corresponding relays to form a parallel transmission group, the energy consumption problem is optimized and analyzed. The aim of this paper is to minimize the total energy consumption of the end user while guaranteeing the quality of service (Qo S). Finally, the work of this paper is summarized and prospected, and the problems in this paper and the future research direction are pointed out.
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