[Abstract]:The concentration of respirable particulates in air, especially PM2.5, has been an important index to evaluate air quality. These particles are suspended in the air for a long time, it is difficult to dissipate, and the particles themselves absorb a large number of heavy metals, bacteria and other toxic substances, not only reduce the visibility of the atmosphere, but also cause great harm to human health. Traditional monitoring methods, such as weighing method, screening method and so on, have low degree of automation and detection precision, which can no longer meet the requirements of modern society for the monitoring of respirable particulates. Therefore, in order to improve the degree of automation and detection accuracy of the system, Based on the principle of light scattering, the sensor GP2Y1010AU0F is used to collect the monitoring data, the ZigBee wireless sensor network technology is used to transmit the monitoring data, and a monitoring platform is designed to display the monitoring data in real time. The main contents of this paper are as follows: 1. The research of wireless sensor network communication technology including ZigBee technology, including the type of ZigBee device, topology, working mode, address allocation mode, wireless sensor network communication technology research and detailed analysis of wireless communication technology, including the type of equipment, topology, working mode, address allocation mode, Data transfer mode and ZigBee protocol architecture. Based on the research of ZigBee wireless sensor network and GPRS technology, the whole scheme of inhalable particle monitoring system is established. Secondly, the hardware system design of the PM monitoring system is completed. CC2530 is used as the main control chip, and the hardware system structure of the node is designed. The hardware circuit of terminal node includes processor module, sensor module, JTAG interface circuit and power supply module. The hardware circuit of ZigBee-GPRS gateway node includes processor module, JTAG interface circuit, GPRS wireless communication module, SIM card circuit and GPRS power module. Third, the design of the software system of the respirable particulates monitoring system is completed. Based on the Z-STACK protocol stack, the software design of the lower computer node is completed, and the data collection and transmission are realized. In this paper, an improved energy-saving routing algorithm, DE-LEACH algorithm, is proposed. The distance and residual energy factors are added to the algorithm. The simulation results show that the algorithm can effectively prolong the network life. LABVIEW software is used to complete the design of the system monitoring platform and realize the graphical display of the data. Fourth, the whole system tests and analyses the function of the PMMS, including the communication ability test of the node, the performance test of the ZigBee-GPRS gateway node and the software test of the host computer. The experimental results show that the nodes have strong communication ability, fast and reliable networking between nodes, real-time transmission of data, and the host computer software runs stably and can display monitoring information in real time. The system not only has a higher degree of automation, but also has a longer service life, more user-friendly.
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