[Abstract]:As a new type of single-photon detector, superconducting nanowire single photon detector (SNSPD) has many advantages, such as high sensitivity, low noise and high speed. This paper systematically introduces the working principle and development process of SNSPD, shows its excellent performance and development potential, and introduces in detail the demonstration experiment of NASA laser communication, which is an important application example of SNSPD in deep space laser communication. On the basis of the performance characterization of the traditional devices, the special function devices are tested. For the photonic digital resolution devices with parallel resistance, we have acquired six kinds of output pulse waveforms with amplitude. The effect of counter discriminant level on the counting rate is also observed. It is proved that the device has a 6-photon resolution. For polarization-insensitive devices fabricated with high refractive index material Si, we use a wide band light source and a polarization controller to measure that the effect of polarization state on device efficiency is greatly suppressed. At 1550 nm, the efficiency of parallel polarization is 61%. The vertical polarization is 56 and the experimental results are in good agreement with the simulation results. In the case of single-photon laser communication, not only the effect of transmission environment should be considered, but also the performance of the real single-photon detector and the distribution of the number of photon substates should be considered. In this paper, on the basis of photoelectric detection model, the detection efficiency and dark count of (SNSPD) system of superconducting nanowire single photon detector are introduced, and the mathematical model of error performance of reaction system is established without considering the influence of atmospheric turbulence. A formula for calculating system bit error rate (BER) is presented. The effects of two factors, light intensity and laser pulse repetition rate, on the error rate are simulated, and the simulation model is verified by the experimental results. The experimental results of simulating photoelectricity detection in laser communication show that the influence of light intensity on BER is the most obvious. With the increase of light intensity from 0.01 photon / pulse to 1000 photon / pulse, the BER decreases obviously from 10 ~ (-1) to 10 ~ (-7). The effect of laser pulse repetition rate on bit error rate is restricted by different light intensity, but all of them decrease with the increase of pulse repetition rate. At the same time, when the light intensity is increased or the speed is increased, the bit error rate is higher than the simulation result, which is about 10-4 order of magnitude, which may be due to the deficiency of extinction ratio of modulated light signal in actual communication and the increase of the system dark count caused by the introduction of background noise from optical fiber. The model and experimental results lay a foundation for the further development of high-speed deep space laser communication based on SNSPD, such as the Moon Earth, Mars Earth and so on.
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