[Abstract]:The GNSS signal generator can simulate the satellite signals in different propagation environments according to the scene parameters set by the user. It is an important equipment to study the GNSS system and the signal receiver. At present, GNSS is widely used in many economic fields in modern society, and the structure of GNSS signal generator should be optimized constantly to meet the different needs of the new scene. By analyzing the structure of the existing signal generator and aiming at its existing problems, this paper puts forward the optimization design of the multi-system GNSS signal generator, and discusses the key points in it. In this paper, software UI development, multi-system structure optimization, dynamic motion form of carrier, antenna pattern simulation and other aspects are optimized. Based on the MFC framework, the human-computer interface is written, different scene parameters are set and the results of the program are displayed in chart form. The WEB control and map API, are added to the interface. The running track of the carrier can be dynamically displayed on the map and the dynamic running speed of the carrier can be displayed by the CChartCtrl control in the form of curves. GNSS includes four navigation systems (GPS,Galileo,GLONASS,BD) with similar mechanism of parameter calculation and satellite signal generation, and the structure of the system is much the same. In this paper, the structure of the system is optimized by using the idea of inheriting from C object oriented system. It makes the system easy to expand and maintain, encapsulates the interface and data, sets the data access rights, and improves the security of the system. The method of macro definition is used to replace the frequently called and simple functions, which can reduce the utilization rate of CPU and improve the efficiency of program execution. Added the real scene download body self-driving movement mode, the surrounding mountains and other large obstacles of longitude, latitude and height information obtained by the Global Mapper software, the program will be based on the real scene of the terrain and geomorphology, A self-driving route is programmed with Html language, and the track of the carrier is dynamically displayed on the map. The system calculates the elevation of the satellite and the obstacle according to each position in the course of the carrier motion, and determines whether the satellite is blocked by the obstacle. Finally, the simulation function of array antenna pattern is added. Finally, the system tests the above research contents with the experimental results. After the system is optimized, the human-computer interaction interface displays the calculation result in the form of chart more vividly and intuitively. The C object oriented thought is adopted to improve the reusability and security of the system. The workload is greatly reduced, and the program running efficiency is improved by using the macro definition method. By comparing the influence of terrain and geomorphology factors, the state parameters of visible stars are compared, and the experimental results are analyzed. The influence of obstacles on signal reception is verified. Finally, the location solution of the signal generated by the system is tested by the corresponding receiving equipment.
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