[Abstract]:The perturbed platform is a rotating platform for testing the performance of missile-borne radar positioner. The performance test of the bit scale requires the "disturbance station" to work in the swing state, and meet the requirements of low rotational speed, high speed precision, fast starting speed, small volume and light weight. General servo system is difficult to meet its requirements. In this paper, the speed loop optimization of low speed servo system is studied according to the project requirements for such a special application. Firstly, this paper introduces the development and present situation of servo system, and describes the performance deterioration of servo system under low speed and its improvement methods. Secondly, based on the conventional servo system, the control model and control method are analyzed. A quantizer model is proposed for the speed feedback link in the speed loop. For the rate error caused by this model, this paper proposes the use of Kalman PID algorithm to improve the low speed jitter problem of servo system which can not be solved simply by using PID algorithm. To verify the effect of this theory, the corresponding simulation contrast experiment and analysis are carried out. The results show that the Kalman algorithm is more suitable than other filtering algorithms to eliminate the quantizer noise in the control system. Then, according to the project requirements, this paper takes MDK as the platform, STM32 microcontroller as the core hardware, and UCOS3 as the operating system to realize the construction of low speed and high precision servo system. The rate accuracy improvement effect of Kalman PID algorithm for low speed servo system is verified successfully on the system. At the same time, using PC as the platform and QT as the programming environment, a set of software is developed to control the low speed and high precision servo system to realize the related function of "disturbance table". Finally, taking the high precision and low speed servo system as the experimental object, the servo system of PID algorithm and Kalman PID algorithm is tested. Two indexes (minimum stationary rate and rate error) are used to compare the low speed performance of the two algorithms. The results show that the Kalman PID algorithm is better than the PID algorithm in solving the low speed jitter problem caused by the quantization error of the angular position sensor.
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