[Abstract]:Beidou Satellite Navigation and Positioning system (BDS) is a global navigation and positioning system with independent intellectual property rights which is being developed and built in China. With the increasing demand of satellite navigation application and the requirement of fast positioning, the acquisition and tracking complexity of Beidou signal has become an important research direction of satellite receiver. At present, in the phase of Beidou satellite acquisition and tracking, a parallel code phase acquisition algorithm based on discrete Fourier transform (DFT) is usually used to capture. Compared with the time domain serial acquisition, the algorithm can greatly shorten the acquisition time, but the receiver hardware resource requirements are higher. In order to quickly locate and reduce the hardware resource consumption of satellite receiver, we need to find a less complex algorithm to capture and track to achieve this goal. In order to solve the problem of high complexity and large computational complexity of satellite positioning acquisition and tracking algorithm, this paper studies the following aspects: firstly, the structure of Beidou satellite signal is introduced, and the commonly used acquisition and tracking methods and steps are analyzed. The parallel code phase acquisition algorithm based on discrete Fourier transform (DFT) is simulated and the signal is successfully captured and tracked. Secondly, on the basis of the parallel code phase acquisition, the sampling point of the signal is changed to the integer power of 2 by the method of average correlation, thus changing DFT to FFT, greatly reduces the computation. In this paper, a local code quadratic sampling method is proposed, which can achieve better performance while reducing the computational complexity of average correlation. In this paper, the method is simulated, and the signal is successfully captured, and compared with the parallel code phase acquisition algorithm based on discrete Fourier transform (DFT) in terms of performance and computational complexity. Thirdly, by analyzing the structure of satellite signal and utilizing the sparsity of satellite navigation signal, a new sparse Fourier transform is introduced, which is partly modified according to the characteristics of satellite signal. A simplified acquisition method based on sparse Fourier transform is proposed, which reduces the computational complexity of the algorithm without partial performance loss. In this paper, the method is simulated, and the signal is successfully captured, and compared with the previous average correlation acquisition algorithm based on the improved average correlation in terms of performance and computational complexity. Fourthly, the ground differential station is introduced to discuss the influence of the auxiliary data of the ground difference substation on the complexity of the algorithm in the whole acquisition and tracking stage. Through the calculation of the auxiliary data, we can get the Doppler frequency shift preestimate and the range of frequency error and chip phase, reduce the frequency search range, and bring it into the acquisition algorithm based on sparse Fourier transform. The complexity of the sparse Fourier transform mentioned above is improved, and the computational complexity of the algorithm is reduced. In the process of designing and implementing the receiver, the low complexity acquisition and tracking algorithm can reduce the cost of hardware resources and realize the fast and reliable acquisition and tracking of signal. In order to achieve the industry to capture tracking fast and accurate capture and tracking requirements.
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