[Abstract]:Time inversion (Time Reversal,TR) technique can make electromagnetic wave produce synchronous focusing of space and time at the target point, and the more multi-path components in the propagation environment, the better the focusing effect of the signal. The space station environment is a typical complex multi-path environment, and the inter-symbol interference caused by the multi-path effect seriously affects the quality and performance of wireless communication. Therefore, the new electromagnetic communication system based on time inversion technology is very suitable for space station environment. In order to design a high speed and stable time inversion electromagnetic communication system in space station environment, it is necessary to study its channel characteristics, fully understand the propagation law of time inversion signal, and provide a guarantee for the subsequent system design. Channel estimation is also an important part of time inversion electromagnetic system. Therefore, this paper studies the characteristics of time inversion electromagnetic communication channel and channel estimation in space station environment. The research work mainly includes the following three parts: first: ultra-broadband (Ultra Wide Band, UWB) time inversion (TR-UWB) Channel characteristics and system robustness of electromagnetic systems. The variation of path peak power gain and channel characteristic parameters of TR-UWB system in space station environment is analyzed. Tr technology can overcome the large signal attenuation of electromagnetic wave passing through the corner of two capsule. At the same time, the TR channel characteristic parameters can be maintained all over the space station. By analyzing the variation of correlation coefficient and channel characteristic parameters, it is found that the receiver has good robustness when moving in a small range. Second, the research on channel characteristics of multi-antenna super-resolution electromagnetic system based on ultra-broadband time inversion. By analyzing the channel characteristics of subwavelength antenna array, the factors affecting the super-resolution focusing effect of time inversion are studied, which provides help for the design of subwavelength antenna array with excellent performance and can improve the capacity and rate of communication system in space station. It is found that the number, spacing and etched periodic microstructure of the time inversion mirror antenna have influence on the focusing effect, and the envelope correlation coefficient of the subwavelength antenna array is closely related to the super-resolution focusing. The selection of appropriate working frequency band according to the antenna array can significantly improve the super-resolution focusing effect, and can also be used to design the sub-wavelength antenna array. Third: research on channel estimation in time inversion electromagnetic (TR-OFDM) system of orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing,OFDM). Tr technique is equivalent to a filter in OFDM system. By using the TR adaptive phase conjugation compensation characteristic to eliminate the phase rotation caused by the multi-path channel, the parameter update of the filter comes from the result of channel estimation. The influence of channel estimation on the performance of TR-OFDM system in ordinary and complex multi-path environments is studied and analyzed. A channel estimation algorithm based on TR technology is proposed, which can improve the accuracy of channel estimation in downlink.
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