[Abstract]:There are inevitable errors in the process of machining and installation of Monochromator, which must be calibrated before it can be used. Traditionally, the calibration method of mercury lamp is used, and the number of wavelengths is limited, which limits the calibration accuracy of Monochromator. On the basis of studying the principle of grating Monochromator, a calibration method of Monochromator based on continuous spectrum light source is proposed, and a calibration experiment system is designed and built. The system consists of wide band light source, filter, Monochromator, etc. Spectrometer and computer composition. Halogen tungsten lamp is used as light source, the radiation of halogen tungsten lamp is measured by spectrometer, and the radiation of halogen tungsten lamp is measured directly. Compared with halogen lamp, the transmittance function of monochromator is obtained, which eliminates the influence of the radiation of halogen tungsten lamp and the response function of spectrometer. At a certain reading position of the dial, the transmittance function of the monochromator is obtained and normalized, and the peak wavelength is calculated, and a set of data of the peak wavelength and the dial reading are obtained. A total of 22 sets of wavelength data were collected and used for calibration of Monochromator. By using linear fitting and quadratic fitting at 8, 14:00, 18:00 and 22:00 respectively, the relationship between the wavelength of Monochromator and the reading of dial is obtained. The calibration points are increased from 8 (8 points are similar to mercury lamp characteristic spectrum calibration) to 22, and the error is obviously reduced. The result of 22 points quadratic fitting is regarded as the final calibration result of Monochromator. The experimental results show that the calibration points obtained by the Monochromator with continuous spectral light source are more than those by the traditional calibration method using mercury lamp.
【作者单位】: 哈尔滨工业大学;
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