[Abstract]:Fourier transform spectral remote sensing technology has been widely used in meteorological observation and has gradually become a trend. The new generation of geostationary and polar orbit meteorological satellite platforms in China will be equipped with Fourier transform spectral remote sensing detector. Spectral accuracy is an important technical index of Fourier transform spectral remote sensing detector, which is closely related to the retrieval accuracy of atmospheric temperature and humidity. Spectral calibration is an important guarantee of spectral accuracy of spectral remote sensing detector. The wavelength of a frequency stabilized laser, as a calibrated light source, needs to be accurately measured. In this paper, the precise wavelength measurement technology of calibrated laser with spectral remote sensing detector is studied, which is of great practical value in engineering. In this paper, the laser wavelength measurement technology is studied and analyzed, and the Michelson laser wavelength measurement technique is adopted to measure the wavelength of the calibration laser with the spectral remote sensing detector. In this paper, the frequency stability of the reference laser, the parallelism between the reference laser and the laser to be measured, the precision of interference fringes counting, and the precision of refractive index of air in the Michelson laser wavelength measurement technology are analyzed theoretically. The influence of laser diffraction error on the accuracy of laser wavelength measurement is discussed. A method to reduce the error is put forward. According to the requirement of wavelength calibration of Fengyun Satellite Interferometric Atmospheric remote Sensing detector, a calibrated laser wavelength precision measurement scheme is proposed. The reference frequency stability of Michelson laser wavelength measurement technology has a direct impact on the accuracy of laser wavelength measurement. In this paper, the frequency stabilization technology of reference laser is studied. Frequency stabilization of DFB semiconductor laser is carried out by using frequency modulation spectrum technology, and a phase free laser frequency stabilization method is proposed. This method improves the adaptability of frequency stabilization system to modulation frequency and eliminates the tedious process of phase adjustment. The precision of laser wavelength measurement is affected by the refractive index of air. In this paper, the air refractive index algorithm is studied, and the Rueger air refractive index algorithm is modified. The modified Rueger air refractive index algorithm improves the accuracy of the algorithm without changing the complexity of the algorithm. In this paper, the interferometric fringe counting method is improved. The improved counting method makes full use of the optical path difference of the interferometer and improves the accuracy of laser wavelength measurement. The results show that the Michelson laser wavelength measurement technology can meet the needs of precision measurement of laser wavelength calibration by the wind and cloud satellite interferometric atmospheric vertical detector. The research results are valuable for the spectral calibration of spaceborne Fourier transform spectrometer.
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