本文关键词:柔性生产线CAN和LoRa网络融合系统设计与实现 出处:《郑州大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 柔性生产线 CAN LoRa 网络融合 多协议网关 RGV
[Abstract]:Flexible production line can greatly improve the production efficiency and product quality, practice unit decided accepted by general Ge Yi and Electric Co. Ltd., cooperation in the development of a flexible production line for production of high voltage vacuum circuit breaker ". The author is responsible for the design and implementation of flexible production line information system. Combined with the industrial production environment the complex information system and high reliability requirements, network system using CAN and LoRa technology to build a flexible production line. The structure of the system is mainly divided into three modules, namely the state monitoring module, RGV control module and multi protocol gateway station module. The monitoring module is responsible for collecting station, connected to the gateway module.RGV control module is responsible for collecting the status of RGV and control RGV walk through CAN bus, connected to the gateway module through the LoRa module through Ethernet gateway module. Network connected to the host computer, realizes the combination of CAN and LoRa network, the station information interaction between RGV and PC server. This paper from two aspects of hardware and software are described in detail the design and implementation of CAN and LoRa network integration system, the main contents are as follows: 1, in the design of hardware, follow the idea of modular design, design station monitoring board, RGV control board and the board. The gateway is designed based on PIC18F25K80 station board based on CAN communication, to achieve position detection and CAN based communication; using dsPIC30F6010A and sx1278 as the core design of the RGV control board, realize the motion control and LoRa data RGV stream transmission; using PIC32MX795F512L as the core, the gateway board design with DP83848I and SX1278, completed the LoRa, Can and.2 Ethernet exchange, in the aspect of software design, designs the CAN, LoRa and Ethernet. Dynamic program and.CAN application program, realized the CAN bus hardware driver, and on the basis of the custom frame format of the application layer CAN, design a master-slave communication mechanism and network communication in the process of using the event triggering mechanism; LoRa, SX1278 realized the hardware drive, and customize the LoRa data link layer protocol and application layer protocol, to solve the problem of data transmission of peer-to-peer network, realizes the network communication based on LoRa; in the gateway, the completion of the Ethernet hardware driver and TCP/IP protocol stack transplantation, were defined on the basis of the protocol conversion gateway, completed the LoRa, Can and Ethernet protocol conversion between.3. Finally, the communication function of fusion system CAN and LoRa network were tested, including the communication between Can and Ethernet communication and LoRa and Ethernet, is obtained satisfactory results.
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