本文关键词: 高浓磨浆 多目标优化 ACO 出处:《包装工程》2017年21期 论文类型:期刊论文
【摘要】:目的在确保磨浆质量的前提下,提高磨浆产量、降低磨浆能耗,进而提高瓦楞纸的产量,降低生产能耗。方法在分析并建立高浓磨浆过程数学模型的基础上,针对该数学模型多目标、非线性的特点,提出一种采用编程简单、鲁棒性强的ACO(蚁群算法)对该多目标优化问题进行求解的新方法。结果 Matlab仿真结果表明,ACO在求解高浓磨浆过程多目标优化问题时,能够快速地找到符合生产工艺要求的最优解。结论基于ACO的多目标优化不仅提高了瓦楞纸制浆产量,而且降低了生产能耗。同罚函数相比,更好地实现了优质、高产、低能耗的生产目标。
[Abstract]:Objective to improve the pulp production, reduce the energy consumption, increase the output of corrugated paper and reduce the energy consumption on the premise of ensuring the quality of pulp. Methods based on the analysis and establishment of mathematical model of high consistency pulp process, In view of the multi-objective and nonlinear characteristics of the mathematical model, a simple programming method is proposed. The robust ACO (Ant Colony algorithm) is a new method to solve the multi-objective optimization problem. Results the Matlab simulation results show that ACO can solve the multi-objective optimization problem in the process of high consistency pulp grinding. Conclusion the multi-objective optimization based on ACO can not only increase the production of corrugated paper, but also reduce the energy consumption. Compared with the penalty function, it can achieve better quality and high yield, compared with the penalty function, the multi-objective optimization based on ACO can not only increase the output of corrugated paper, but also reduce the production energy consumption. Low energy consumption production target.
【作者单位】: 陕西科技大学;
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