本文关键词: 机器学习 非光滑损失函数问题 投影次梯度方法 Nesterov步长策略 个体收敛速率 稀疏学习 出处:《计算机学报》2018年01期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:Many machine learning problems can be transformed into optimization problems to solve them. Convex optimization algorithms have been successfully used in various machine learning optimization problems. Whether the optimal convergence rate can be obtained in the study of optimization algorithm is a basic problem. In addition, sparsity is another objective of sparse learning problem. A large number of stochastic optimization methods have been proposed to solve large-scale machine learning optimization problems. But most of the studies only get the optimal convergence rate for the average output mode. The individual output mode is obviously more sparse than the average output mode, but it is difficult to obtain the optimal individual convergence rate. In the case of strong convexity, the optimal individual convergence is widely studied as an open problem. For the optimization of smooth objective functions, Nesterov, a famous scholar, has proposed a step size strategy. The convergence rate of the gradient method is accelerated in the order of magnitude, and the optimal individual convergence rate is obtained. At present, the Nesterov acceleration algorithm has been applied to various machine learning optimization problems with smooth loss functions. Based on this acceleration strategy, researchers have proposed a large number of stochastic optimization algorithms. It is significant to extend this technique to the non-smooth case to obtain the optimal individual convergence rate. In this paper, we consider the non-smooth optimization algorithm. The introduction of this step strategy. In particular, We focus on the classical first-order gradient method and propose a projection subgradient algorithm embedded in the step size strategy of the acceleration algorithm. It is proved that this algorithm has the optimal individual convergence rate when solving the nonsmooth loss function learning problem. This conclusion is stronger than that of the standard projection subgradient method only in the average output mode. The first order gradient method is also close to the expected research results in terms of individual optimal convergence rate. Compared with the average output method and the projection subgradient method of linear interpolation, the gradient operation of the proposed method follows the interpolation strategy. Therefore, the hinge loss function learning problem with l 1 norm constraint has better sparseness. Experiments on artificial data sets verify the correctness of the proposed method. It is verified on the datum data set that this method has good performance in keeping sparsity.
【作者单位】: 中国人民解放军陆军工程大学指挥信息系统学院;中国人民解放军陆军炮兵防空兵学院十一系;
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