本文选题:等离子体分析仪 切入点:离子漂移计 出处:《物理学报》2017年20期
[Abstract]:According to the mission requirements of the electromagnetic monitoring test satellite, a plasma analyzer was developed to detect the ion density, temperature and composition of ionospheric plasma. The fluctuation of drift velocity and density. The plasma analyzer consists of a retarded potential analyzer, an ion drift meter and an ion trapping meter. The ion drift meter is used to detect the ion drift velocity in the vertical direction of the ion orbit. By analyzing the ion drift velocity characteristics of ionospheric plasma, the performance index of the instrument is determined. Beryllium copper is used as the grid material and polyimide is used to insulate the grid. According to the technical specifications, the window size of the ion drift sensor is designed in detail. The geometric height and collector radius of the sensor are designed by the design of three adjustable ranges of the forward amplifier circuit, which ensures the measuring range and accuracy of the circuit, and is verified by experiments. With the help of the ground plasma environment of the interplanetary physics institute of the National Institute of Astrophysics of Italy, the plasma environment test of the ion drift meter has been completed. The results show that, The change trend of the drift velocity measurement results in the vertical orbit direction of ion drift meter is consistent with the change trend of the set value of the turntable, and the test precision meets the design requirements and can meet the mission requirements of the electromagnetic monitoring test satellite.
【作者单位】: 中国科学院国家空间科学中心;天基空间环境探测北京市重点实验室;中国科学院大学;
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